My first cycle was 500mg Test E, had great results, holy-grail of work-out type shit, lost fat and gained muscle at the same time. But my libido tanked.
I could get it up but would lose wood in the middle of sex. Sex just didn't feel as good as it normally did, and I just wasn't thinking about it all the time like I did pre-cycle.
This cycle I'm only doing 250mg/week of Test E. I'm running 500iu of hcg a week, which keeps my balls making T. So it's not "you're getting shut down for nothing". It's 250mg /week ON TOP OF what the balls put out.
At 500mg Test/week + hcg, my total T came in at 4,100! I think 250mg test will be fine. I have reasons for doing it at this dose, but it's too long of a story...
Once again, my libido is shit! I've got a willing lady and have... OK sex with her. Lose wood in certain positions. It just sucks.
I do have recourse, Viagra works reasonably well - although NOTHING like the one time I took it before doing gear. Cialis works retardedly well. I have solid wood whenever I need it for 5 days after one 20mg pill.
But both those things are a band-aid. WHY is my libido shit??
I ran arimidex .5mg/EOD first cycle and it decimated my E2. I think it came in at 12 or 14. Dry joints, horrible cystic bacne, no libido.
I tried every dose schedule you can think of on the a-dex and never found the sweet spot.
In PCT with no Ai, I had GREAT libido, and crazy rock hard erections. ??? Just clomid. Recovery was a breeze even after 18 weeks on. 1 month post pct my Total T was back where it started. I credit HCG for that. Game..... changer!
3 months OFF gear and my libido hadn't recovered. However, off cycle I do take zinc 60mg/day. I finally thought, wait a minute, zinc is a natural AI, could it be crusing my e2 like a-dex was?
Got blood work done.... e2 14! Fuck me!
I got off the zinc and my libido started to recover, and all my bacne that had persisted 3 months post cycle cleared within days. But I got back on 2 weeks later, cause it was time.
This time I'm running NO ai. :-O I know, blasphemy, I'll surely die of exploding gyno. except..... I have no high e-sides at all. I feel GREAT except for this libido issue. Every day is a good day in the gym, stronger, leaner. And NO BACNE this time.
The other factor is I am on propecia, so I can not be a balding middle-aged fuck. I'm 41. I've been on propecia since I was 19 and it never affected my libido before.
I'll get bloods next week. But I doubt it's E related. with no AI it's certainly not low E this time.
The one other thing I'm thinking is I started splitting 5mg propecia tabs into 1/4's about the same time I started gear. And I'm kind of reaching for the bigger "pieces" (they're not all exact 1/4's). So I'm likely closer to 2mg/day instead of 1mg.
Soooooo maybe I'm just OD'in on propecia and crushing DHT too much? My volume of ejaculate is WAY down, about half what it normally is. That jives with my too much DHT supression theory.
Propecia is kind of like an AI for DHT. In that I think you gotta' be careful with it and not CRUSH dht, or you'll kill your libido just like if you crush E2. I ENVY you bastards that don't have to deal with balding.
My next steps are:
Any other ideas what is screwing my libido? I'm on no other supps at this point except 1 vitamin C pill a day.
What I'm taking:
250mg Test E / week
500iu HCG / week
1.25-2mg propecia / day
That's it! I'll get bloods done in a week. Yeah, it COULD be runaway E2.... but I really doubt it. I don't seem to convert a lot like some guys do. Diet is on point. Balls are normal, not atrophied. I don't drink alcohol or smoke. No other drugs prescription or recreational, except I have taken 1 Viagra and 2 cialis "as needed" over the last 6 weeks. Low blood pressure. I'm 6 weeks in to this cycle. All is good excpet libido??
I could get it up but would lose wood in the middle of sex. Sex just didn't feel as good as it normally did, and I just wasn't thinking about it all the time like I did pre-cycle.
This cycle I'm only doing 250mg/week of Test E. I'm running 500iu of hcg a week, which keeps my balls making T. So it's not "you're getting shut down for nothing". It's 250mg /week ON TOP OF what the balls put out.
At 500mg Test/week + hcg, my total T came in at 4,100! I think 250mg test will be fine. I have reasons for doing it at this dose, but it's too long of a story...
Once again, my libido is shit! I've got a willing lady and have... OK sex with her. Lose wood in certain positions. It just sucks.
I do have recourse, Viagra works reasonably well - although NOTHING like the one time I took it before doing gear. Cialis works retardedly well. I have solid wood whenever I need it for 5 days after one 20mg pill.
But both those things are a band-aid. WHY is my libido shit??
I ran arimidex .5mg/EOD first cycle and it decimated my E2. I think it came in at 12 or 14. Dry joints, horrible cystic bacne, no libido.
I tried every dose schedule you can think of on the a-dex and never found the sweet spot.
In PCT with no Ai, I had GREAT libido, and crazy rock hard erections. ??? Just clomid. Recovery was a breeze even after 18 weeks on. 1 month post pct my Total T was back where it started. I credit HCG for that. Game..... changer!
3 months OFF gear and my libido hadn't recovered. However, off cycle I do take zinc 60mg/day. I finally thought, wait a minute, zinc is a natural AI, could it be crusing my e2 like a-dex was?
Got blood work done.... e2 14! Fuck me!
I got off the zinc and my libido started to recover, and all my bacne that had persisted 3 months post cycle cleared within days. But I got back on 2 weeks later, cause it was time.
This time I'm running NO ai. :-O I know, blasphemy, I'll surely die of exploding gyno. except..... I have no high e-sides at all. I feel GREAT except for this libido issue. Every day is a good day in the gym, stronger, leaner. And NO BACNE this time.
The other factor is I am on propecia, so I can not be a balding middle-aged fuck. I'm 41. I've been on propecia since I was 19 and it never affected my libido before.
I'll get bloods next week. But I doubt it's E related. with no AI it's certainly not low E this time.
The one other thing I'm thinking is I started splitting 5mg propecia tabs into 1/4's about the same time I started gear. And I'm kind of reaching for the bigger "pieces" (they're not all exact 1/4's). So I'm likely closer to 2mg/day instead of 1mg.
Soooooo maybe I'm just OD'in on propecia and crushing DHT too much? My volume of ejaculate is WAY down, about half what it normally is. That jives with my too much DHT supression theory.
Propecia is kind of like an AI for DHT. In that I think you gotta' be careful with it and not CRUSH dht, or you'll kill your libido just like if you crush E2. I ENVY you bastards that don't have to deal with balding.
My next steps are:
- Try cutting my propecia dose in half. Go EOD or cut them in half again.
- I've got proviron on hand. Could try that.
Any other ideas what is screwing my libido? I'm on no other supps at this point except 1 vitamin C pill a day.
What I'm taking:
250mg Test E / week
500iu HCG / week
1.25-2mg propecia / day
That's it! I'll get bloods done in a week. Yeah, it COULD be runaway E2.... but I really doubt it. I don't seem to convert a lot like some guys do. Diet is on point. Balls are normal, not atrophied. I don't drink alcohol or smoke. No other drugs prescription or recreational, except I have taken 1 Viagra and 2 cialis "as needed" over the last 6 weeks. Low blood pressure. I'm 6 weeks in to this cycle. All is good excpet libido??