I lift bc I was beat at school as a kid, u?
i lift because for the most part i'm high strung and have a bad temper so this keeps me relaxed.
same for me.
What were you beat at?
Beat off always
Beat by black bros, now I beat them. In jail I fucked them.
Hopefully your getting beat off by hot chix these days brother.
I did 5 hours in a city jail once for reckless riding...murdering the highways on one wheel then ran from the cop with a group of bikers
they could not pin point the guy doing the wheelie and my folks were not rats so a few of us did a few hours, and had to get the bikes outta impound.
I was bored straight! shit sucked sitting in a lil cell with crazy people...
couldnt imagine having to fuck them dudes in there, that blows...
no pun intended bwahahaha!
Glad you found something to keep you happy broski.
i lift because for the most part i'm high strung and have a bad temper so this keeps me relaxed.
I feel much better in every way, when I lift. It's my daily therapy session.
why lift? If I can translate the discipline of BB to other parts of my life, work, relationships, whatever, I'm a more
successful, happy person. I will lift till I die.