Why not use a roid nasal spray?


I've heard a lot of talk about the conversion of pellets into nasal spray delivery system instead of injection or transdermal. Hell, I've even seen a couple of sites boasting that it's safer than injection, and more effective than transdermal. that it has a 100% delivery! yeah , I laughed too. So in an effort to be helpful I've listed some facts if you got the time to read them go ahead what could ya loose?

ok lets get one thing out of the way the only proven 100% delivery system is by injection. Transdermal has about a 20-25% absorbtion. the nasal spray is even less than that. mainly because in order to get complete absorbtion in the nasal passage it would have to water soluble, steriods like test and tren are lipophylic

side effects; the chem used in the process are extremely similar to that used in manufactering crystal meth. no you wont test pos for meth, but besides side effects of the roids, which may or may not occur, the effects of this nasal spray will occur. they don't mention that your sinus cavity will eventually collapse leaving noticeable indentions on both sides of the upper brigde of your nose right by the inner part of your eyes.
also it will strip the thin layer of skin off the inside of your nose, causeing it to kinda callus\scab over which eqauls to 0% absorbtion.
which is why most meth users start smoking it, after snorting it for so long it becomes an ineffective means of delivery. in turn causes the cronic cough because of the recrystalization in the lungs. (p.s. you can't smoke roids) lol.

legaly; well conv roids for human inj is illegal anyway, so whats the big deal? well in most states especaily in the SE U.S. where meth manf is an epidemic problem. buying these products together raises alarm and in some instances like where I live stores are required to report it to law enforcement. just buying 7% tentured iodine alone requires an I.D. your info is copied and givin to law enforcement. get pulled over with just a couple of these chem together and you can be arrested for possesion of precursors to amphetamines, also manufactering of meth even if you weren't trying too. manf of meth carries the same sentence as 1st degree murder in most states. which conv roids for inj is only a possesion charge. there was no manf involved. so why bother drawing the extra attention to yourself! you don't need that surely?
note: possesion of these chem, law enf will calculate how much can be made and charge with possesion of that much meth also"

not to mention the smell!!!
you wont notice it, but others will. esp crackheads and cops it stays with you and your clothes for a while. it'll take a month to rid it from your house, even with a gallon of fabreeze.

I've tried to be breif and accurate so please excuse any errors hope this was educational. so if your like me and doing your own conversions do what actually works, the needle doesn't hurt that
bad :40oz:
not all nasal sprays are made the same some just use acetone and alchohol etc.
but regardless this is an ineffective system and in my point if veiw is a waste of time and money.