Why shoudn't I use M1T?


New member
Im 23 and 190 lb and i've never done steroids or any prohormones before, but I was thinking about taking M1T.

I read this that said the following:

"You should not take methyl-1-test if you have not used prohormones or steroids before. Methyl-1-test is for experienced users. Do not take it unless you have been using anabolics for six months minimum.

7.2: Why shouldn't I use methyl-1-test if I have not used prohormones or steroids before? I have read a lot about it.

Although it is definitely a good idea to do plenty of reading before taking methyl-1-test, this can not make up for experience. There are many things that people will learn on their first few cycles both about how they react to these compounds and how to best use them. Methyl-1-testosterone is a potent steroid, and it is generally not advisable to use the most potent compounds first. If you make mistakes with one of the weaker prohormones, they are much more forgiving than M1T is"

What do you guys think about this? Did any of you use M1T before anything else and find it forgiving if you did it propperly? :confused:
I know it might look as though I have answered my own question, but I remember reading somewhere (cant remember where now) that you can take 5mg a day to start with and get into it propply and many other people took it as their first time (pro)steroid with no problems.

I would like to know if there are any M1T users here that used it as their first ever pro steroid/ prohormone?

Also, I've been looking at Higher Power M1T Plus at http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/hp/mplus.html is this product any good?
This is the closest thing u will get to Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and its a pretty new product so there is alot of contriversy on this product. Use the search engine and look around theres tons of threads on this subject.
I already did a search and read almost all of the M1T posts, but none of them covered this topic.

I really need first time M1T prohormone users feedback on M1T so I can decide if the article was just being careful or if it was dead serious.

Also, they make M1T sound like its more dangerous than Steroids like Winstrol, Dbol etc.. Whats the deal with that?

I understand that it hasn't been made illegal yet because the 1-test ingrediant is not banned yet, is that right?

Also, where can I find Nolva online? Is it legal or not?
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i am talikg the higher power m1t with the milk thistle im doin 5 mg/day on day 4 right i plan on running it at 5 mg/day for 3 weeks and have yet seen any sides exept for being tired.....the only thing i have ever taken b4 was an animal stack........for 21 days .....now i am also runnig animal m stack with this........ill be doin both for 21 days. all i can say is the first day in the gym with m1t i did chest and tri's and i pumped up huge.... i thought my freaking chest was gonna burst and my tri's were gonna fly outta my skin. the past 3 days all i've seen is swelling of muscles.......but i'll keep u posted if i see any sides ........
Gladiator said:

Also, where can I find Nolva online? Is it legal or not?

By perscription only.

Also, I am thinking of taking M1T and it will be my first anything as well. You may want to check the M1T over at www.legalgear.com it has NAC in it to protect the liver.

Other than that, I dont know what to tell you, other than I've heard Nolva post cycle therapy (pct) is the best route.
honistly i wouldn't run this product for a first time pro-hormon user just because its such a new drug and its really potant but if your going to do it make sure u run a milk thistle during your cycle to prtect your liver and 6-OXO or nolva for a PCT.
I wish I could remember where I saw the article, but it was by a guy that said it was his first time using any pro-hormone and he only took half the tablet to start with and then the full tablet after a while and got good results and no side effects!

r3ver3nd, i've read almost all of your M1T threads and posts and I think you and me are in the dame boat with the M1T situation!

Do you guys think that if I am sensible with the dosage and start with only 5mg a day for a few days to test the waters and have 6-OXO at hand and use it right away after my 20 days of M1T or at the first sign of Gyno I would be fine?

I'm 23 years old and have been training for 3 years solid as well and have only ever touched Whey, Creatine and Glutamine!
So many young people wanting M1t, Well better add another one to the list, im 20 been training 3 years 2 hard, gotten up from 185 or so to 226-230. Would it be better to start with a 1 test that doesnt have the methyl group? Like 1Test cyp?
Here is a post by a first time prohormone user who took M1T:

"M1T is the most talked about prohormone on the board nowdays and now i understand why after finishing my first M1T cycle i thought i should post my M1T experience so others may make the proper decision on their needs. This is my first prohormone cycle ever and for those who say that M1T is not for 1st timers, dont believe them. of course i definately think you should be thoroughly aquainted with the gym and lifting weights for a reasonable time prior to trying this cycle.

originally i planned for a 2 week cycle of M1T but i cut it short 3 days early due to satisfactory gains and to minimize sides.

As for weight gains, i gained a tad over 5 lbs of mostly muscle and i had minimal water gains if any. i weigh myself every morning first thing when i wake up. As for retaining the gains i am unable to tell as right after the cycle i started to eat shit for food (mcd's, jack in the box, burger king) and got a little fat.

Strength gains on the other hand i definately notice a gain. again i am unable to report actual weigth increases because i recently switched from one club to another during the cycle which made me switch most of my barbell movements to dumbells.

Size, i definately notice my body as a whole is bigger especially in the arms and back but didnt take any measurements prior to and after cycle.

The one thing that i really do appreciate about this cycle is that it got me out of this damn plateau that i was stuck in for months. that and ABSOLUTELY NO sides.

If this help at all in your decision on trying a M1t cycle, good. if not, ohh well. i will be taking another cycle in a few months and will document measurements and strength gains."
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Here is a post by skillz over at http://www.ironmagazineforums.com/showthread.php?threadid=29043 who says you should not touch M1T if it is your first prohormone: (I'm now more confused than I was before).

"M1T is a very unique supplement. If used right it can be amazingly affective.
M1T is also known as:
Directions on the bottle say very clearly that 10mg should be taken daily. It also states that you should not
exceed 2 tablets(20mg) in a 24-hour period. It also says you must be 21 YEARS OLD! Not 20 not 17, 21 years old!

If you are a new user to this product I would suggest starting off at 5mg,(cut pill in half) I know many people that
have seen great results on just 5mg. Every person is different, what 20mg mite do for some, 5mg mite do exactly
the same for another.

I would also like to make this clear, If you have never touched a prohormone before than this should not even be
an option in your mind! This product is for someone who has been weightlifting for awhile and has extreme

Now I no for a fact I can't help everyone make up their minds but if you do decide to use this product please start
off slow and if you do not see any results boost you mg's up abit.

M1T should not be taken over 4 weeks. 2-3 weeks should do you just fine. I suggest taking it 2 weeks on 2 weeks
off, and so on.

Now on your off time make sure you have Nolva or 6OXO, milk thistle & 1 Tablespoon of Lecithin granules for post cycle therapy (pct)
(Post Cycle Treatment). This is very Important. The best way to good long lasting results is to be safe and smart.

Now when it comes to Cutting and Bulking M1T is very effective. When bulking you should see amazing gains in
size. People have said that even when cutting M1T has helped them keep their gains and they have also seen an
increase in size.

Now If you take M1T and your Blood Pressure becomes high I suggest taking Hawthorn Berry and or CoQ10. This
will help bring it back down to normal. Make sure you take care of this problem as soon as possible. High blood
pressure is not healthy and can be unsafe.

If your worried about hair loss read this:

*Hair Loss* is caused by increased levels of DHT. Since DHT receptors are heavy on the top of the scalp, some
people will notice a lot of shedding or a receding hairline on some cycles. There are various treatments for this; the
most common is topical Spironolactone available from Nizoralman or Dr. Lee. The 2% will work as a preventative
measure, while the 5% will attempt to help grow some hair back. There are also other methods, such as azelaic
acid or Nizoral shampoo, but they are not proven to be effective as spiro is. If you are concerned you are losing
your hair and are currently taking something to help prevent it, prohormones are probably not the best idea.

When it comes down to it, this supplement is not a joke. If you are not experienced you should not even think
about taking this. If not used correctly you can do some very harmefull damage to your body. Im not going to get
into detail but lets just say these pills are not worth damaging your body over.

Must Be 21
Start off slow 5-10mg
Have 6OXO or Nolvadex, milk thistle & Lecithin granules 1 tablespoon for post cycle therapy (pct).
(2 weeks 5mg M1T)(2 week post cycle therapy (pct) Suggestions)
(2 weeks 10mg M1T) (2 weeks post cycle therapy (pct) Suggestions)"
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Its all about personal choice bro. I am still considering doing it, and everyone here knows that, and they aren't goin try and talk you or I out of it. I've been in this game for awhile, and I don't know everything (obvious), but its still my choice whether or not to do it, I just have to make sure that "I'M" safe in doing so.
i jave been reading also on this m-1 test. my friend who has the same build as i do were tall 6'5" and around 240. he gained almost 15 pounds in 4 weeks... granted we have both juiced before so we know how our bodies work but for the price and the gains i saw in him im going to the store today to buy it... gladiator ill let you know how it works in two weeks
Thanks jrock817!

Be sure to make a little log/diary of your progress with that, so all us other M1T wannabe users can see how good or bad it is!
Im thinking about taking it this summer to gain size while i cut up and then again in winter to bulk up.. is that any good?
I am a first time M1T user. There are a ton of newbies out here who are asking for first cycle advice becasue they are considering real gear for their first foray into Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) let alone M1T. Personally I saw M1T as a way to try what is close to a steroid without using a real one. The bulk of the info out there suggests that you cant get bitch tits so an extensive post cycle therapy (pct) may not be necessary. I have seen the contrary and I have seen threads that suggest liver protectants during the cycle lesses the effect But Istill took it during.

Any how I did it as my first cycle. No great gains or huge popping muscles (I wasnt really going for bulk anyway just strenght) I doubled my protien intake and ran it from 10 mgs the first week to 15 now a third week at 20. My muscles are harder and some of my weights have gone up.

But let me tall ya the sides are no party. No I didnt get limp dick, Mr Happy worked fine, actually really fine. Just tired and very sore joints.
I have 6oxo for after. I may do another M1T cycle but I have the new Methayl D on order and will give that a go. The it is onto real test cause I dont think there is any subsitute for real gear (I mean come on it is 10 bucks a bottle .. ya would think it was snake oil at that price)