Why this is needed

The Cat

There are some cycles that cause erectile dysfunction. Alternatively, there are some cycles that cause ed after the cycle.

Do I need to say more about the importance of cia?

Cia is on sale for $65!

i don't think that kind of comments are allowed... BTW, a lot of guys and girl are gratefull to the work he'd done.
how about reccomending a good pct so you dont end up with any type of ed and not the use of cialis that on sale from a sponser? just kinda funny to me lol
how about reccomending a good pct so you dont end up with any type of ed and not the use of cialis that on sale from a sponser? just kinda funny to me lol

OK i anderstand.
Is a point of view, and i anderstand it could seem funny. Yes.

i've seen lately some guys coming on board with some sexual fail... So that way, i thing it's useful.

BTW your avatar is awesome!
im outta here anyway... see ya in another six months. or never depending if i get banned for my not allowed comment.


Don't go away mad just go away....Lol just kidding. Bro these guys are sponsors on the board which also pays the bills. So it's only right that the Site manager wants to see the sponsors do well so they will continue to be sponsors and continue to pay for advertising space which in turn keeps the board up and running . That's all he's doing bro..Look at the big picture before you go making comments like that. Not to mention most guys on the board value his say so.