Will I test positive for steroid use ?

i say get a few buddies together and either buy a gym or build one in someones basement

if you are paying 48% taxes then you are part of the "Wealthy" population over there...it would be a lifetime investment in your health and you could juice all you want

hell if you get enuff equipment, start charging people who want to juice to train at your house ... it like and underground gym now
iamcdn said:
i say get a few buddies together and either buy a gym or build one in someones basement

if you are paying 48% taxes then you are part of the "Wealthy" population over there...it would be a lifetime investment in your health and you could juice all you want

hell if you get enuff equipment, start charging people who want to juice to train at your house ... it like and underground gym now

LOL wealthy....im unemployed ! and uneducated ! :D
...the wealthy pay about 60% tax !
The tax i pay is actually close to minimun tax...:)

Actually a few guys from the gym are thinking about starting something for themselves, but who knows if its gonna happen !? good idea though !
Make me sad reading what is going on on Denmark, knowing that this crap probably is moving on to Sweden in a near future...

But hey, your beer is stil good and cheap!:40oz:

Kalaspuff said:
Make me sad reading what is going on on Denmark, knowing that this crap probably is moving on to Sweden in a near future...

But hey, your beer is stil good and cheap!:40oz:


It sure is my friend, it sure is ! :D

Anybody care to comment my question about, if i will fail a urin test ???
get a home gym setup, power rack, barbell, training buddies, lat pull down machine, all the real equipment you can afford. thats what I did, my local gym is more of a spa then a gym and it was really hard to concentrate. try and get your freinds to chip in on the setup.
magnusson187 said:
u have to take a piss test to join the gym? Am i reading this right, are u serious?

Yes, i'm very seriuos bro ! ...it sucks, but is standard procedure in about 75% of the gyms in Denmark... :(

Since i'm not to sure i can pass the test, then i'll have to use a gym on the edge of town, sucks with the transport, but i dont want to stop training after 13+ years ! :(
dude find another gym. i cannot beleive that a gym ould test for drugs they're main clients are guys on juice what the hell are they on? if it is legitamte that they're gonna drug test they probobly test for certain things. i doubt very much they will fuck with you for gear. a gym arround here used to do that crap but they didnt last long... i wonder why :p
It has been over 4 months since your last shot. You will probably pass the test. Take the test and see what happens. The worst thing that could happen would be that you get kicked out of a gym with stupid rules..
I get the feeling that you are planning on switching gyms anyway, so why not. It´s not like you are going to end up in the police records, is it?
Kalaspuff said:
It has been over 4 months since your last shot. You will probably pass the test. Take the test and see what happens. The worst thing that could happen would be that you get kicked out of a gym with stupid rules..
I get the feeling that you are planning on switching gyms anyway, so why not. It´s not like you are going to end up in the police records, is it?

The gym i planned on going to is a powerlifters club, in the past a few guys got busted for roids there, so i could be the next time someone from the gym gets busted, they will exclude ALL members for that gym in the future at competitions !!!!

..if that happens to be me, then i'll have to explain to an angry mob of powerlifters, why i got there club excluded ?!!
...NOT a nice thing ! ;)

i got to be SURE that i can test clean, i dont want to fuck it up for other people !
It is a difficult decission, but, if you go in that powerlifeter gym, you are not thinkin about using roids again?
So you migh tell them the truth, and let´s see what they think about it. They probably know something about roids too, sothey might know when the product is out of your body.

It is tough though.
There is another gym close by where i live, but they have drug testing, so i NEED to know if i can test clean ?

THE TEST IS A URIN-TEST ! not blood test !

I cant get testet by my doc, it doesent work that way in my country !

Anyway, its been at least 4½ month now, can i test clean ?

Thx for helping me out.



This post is either a joke or this person doesn't live in the States.

The first part of the post about a Gym getting rid of equipment to cater to non bodybuilders or powelifters I "might" swallow IF they have a large enough elderly or yuppie population to pay for overhead.

I find it harder to swallow a Gym that drug tests! Again, I live in the USA. Gym's make money and survive by having as many members as possible. Drug testing would chase away some members (obviously) and thus not be conducive to business! Again, if there is enough yuppie and elderly to offset the lost of Hard Core trainers, I "might" buy it.

Another issue is that the elderly population tend to train during the day (my own experience, because I work for myself and make my own hours) and the younger "working" people train after 4:30pm. So there are different "crowds" training at different times "Generally" speaking. These crowds aren't competing for the equipment. And I'm not saying that younger people don't train in the day, it's just that after 4:30 is when it's crowded.

Too many "maybes" and "hard to believes" for me is all I'm saying...
My Bad, I didn't read the "Denmark" thing at first!

Here in the States the ACLU would be all over the Drug Testing shit!
If there are enough serious bodybuilders in your area, why not get together with a few and either open an underground gym or just pool the funds you would spend on a gym membership, and buy some equipment and train together?
Screw the discrimination!

My 2 ccs
Badlands said:
If there are enough serious bodybuilders in your area, why not get together with a few and either open an underground gym or just pool the funds you would spend on a gym membership, and buy some equipment and train together?
Screw the discrimination!

My 2 ccs

We are thinking about it, but its not easy to get people involved ! :(

I started in another gym today, on the edge of town, it was ok, just a room with some old used machines, barbells and dumbells....but everything you need ! just fine !

i just take it from there, and see what happens !
if i want to juice again, i better stay put ! ....if i dont, i can move when i feel pretty sure that i can test clean !

and YES, i am for real bro ! (saw your first flaming, lol) :D ....thats the way it is in denmark ! :eek:
LOL, you can't use roids but you can buy drugs freely in the center Kopenhagen... When I was passing the bridge going to Sweeden I was stopped by the police and checked because they did want to see if I was bringing something in from the"liberal" Danmark!!!! :) :)
RoyalKnight said:
LOL, you can't use roids but you can buy drugs freely in the center Kopenhagen... When I was passing the bridge going to Sweeden I was stopped by the police and checked because they did want to see if I was bringing something in from the"liberal" Danmark!!!! :) :)

LOL, true !
you are talking about "Christiania" a small "city" inside Copenhagen, where hash and pot is sold out in the open ! :)

In fact the police is planning to close it this year, they are training/armed up for the raid ! ...there is going to be a LOT of trouble when they try !

But yes it's a joke, Christiania have been there for many years ! too bad they dont sell Roidz and hard drugs LOL ;)
