Will this be enough for lil bit of CUTTING

Im looking forward to some little cutting. What i mean by "little" is that im not looking for some competitive cuts or some epic dry looks.

So, my stats for now is 6'2 @ 250lbs and around 19% bodyfat.
Been into bodybuilding for some 9 years now, and been juicin for a while also, so i have tried very much workout, diet and cycle methods and i think that i have slowly developed my own style.

The thing i have never done right is some cutting. Since im on low budget, i always tried cutting natural. What happens is - i rly lose lots of muscle and i tend to get that skinny-fat look. So, i basically lose fat along with muscle, and the outcome is the same muscle to fat ratio me, just a smaller version.
So now im looking to add around 500-750g of TEST-E for my cutting. I aim to get down from 19% to around 10-12% BF mostly depending on diet - gradually dropping the carbs and so on and adding a cardio here and there.

So my question is - will that dosage of test-e be enough for me to preserve my muscle while losing some bodyfat?
Thats all im interested in now - i have lost all my yearly gains on my lame natural cutts for so many times now, that im just looking for a way to preserve my muscle while i drop some bodyfat.
yes , that amount of test will help you maintain muscle while cutting , assuming u arent going to be doing something crazy like only eating 1000cals per day , as long as u are in a slight deficit , the extra test should help make it weasier to lose some fat and maintain muscle while doing it