WannaJuice said:
k cool. what are some carbs that i should stay away from that people usually eat daily?
I get this question alot and its funny that most people, know exactly whats bad for them they just ask anyway.
I mean you don't need me to tell you that snickers is bad for ya , or that mc donallds is not that great either.
The things that you need to know are the things that fool you on tv. Kind of like Milk, its really not that good for you. I would switch to soy and even then you should not have that daily. Too much processed sugars.
Cerial is another, Yes I know the label says its got 2 billion vitamins and nutriens but its also packed with whole lot of carbs and some of the bad ones have saturated fats in em. Try oatmeal and I am talking about the real deal oats not the sugar coated ones.
I even tend to stay away from juices, drink water instead and dilute your juice with water those things are too sweet anyway.
Simple lifestyle changes and you will see major chane in your self.
There are plenty of foods out there that are good for you and tasty while at it you just have to be more creative... for instance I have found this jug of strawberry jam at safe way with 5calories per tablespoon! its made with splenda and it tasts freaking great.
Mix your oats with a protein shake and it makes a world of difference... there is alot of info on this forum about nutrition and food recepies but you can't ask everyone here for every detail you have to do some homework and get that search engine fired up. good luck