I was going to mxix all compounds together to make a
Tren 80
EQ 50
Test 50
I didnt know if this is at all possible. I know thay it would be like no esters in the product and would need to be a ED dose. What I was trying to find out was how high can I get my Boldonlone to ml gram stregth. I read it is hard to keep suspended at high levels such as over 75ml or higher .

Tren 80
EQ 50
Test 50
I didnt know if this is at all possible. I know thay it would be like no esters in the product and would need to be a ED dose. What I was trying to find out was how high can I get my Boldonlone to ml gram stregth. I read it is hard to keep suspended at high levels such as over 75ml or higher .