will you test positive while on trt?


New member
Assuming that test levels are within normal physiological ranges, how could they tell? (Assuming they dont test lh/fsh values)
As in for sports that are tested? Testosterone:epitestosterone ratio indicates when exogenous hormones are used.
Some are tested with a polygraph. Unless youre a double spy, forget about passing that one if your on exogenous test
If a blood test is done and your test is in the upper range and LH is way down (which it will be if your injecting test),, then it would be pretty obvious your test is from exogenous test
I always figured after I started trt, if I wanted to compete I'd have to stand next to a guy geared out if his mind on stage
This guy claims to pass the polygraphs lol....Doug Miller btw
I have zero faith in any form of testing for athletics and "natural" bodybuilding

View attachment 560880

That's the dude that marc lobliner keeps praising for being "natty" and just all "genetics" - my ass.

Put it this way:
Doug miller is 5'9 190 at 5%bf
Frank Zane is 5'9 185 at 5%bf

So your saying that Doug has such AWESOME genetics that he can build more muscle then one of the best enhanced bodybuilders of all time in Frank Zane?

Grade A fucking bullshit :)
That's the dude that marc lobliner keeps praising for being "natty" and just all "genetics" - my ass.

Put it this way:
Doug miller is 5'9 190 at 5%bf
Frank Zane is 5'9 185 at 5%bf

So your saying that Doug has such AWESOME genetics that he can build more muscle then one of the best enhanced bodybuilders of all time in Frank Zane?

Grade A fucking bullshit :)

I can't even bash them too much because I have already lied to several people about my use, but some guys like Miller and Simeon Panda go out of their way to shit talk ifbb pros because they are not good enough to compete against them so they cry about steroids, when they use too. He also looks bigger than Zane to me which is just crazy how he claims natural and all.
The stats for Doug Miller have his Fat Free Muscle Index at 26.8 which is (while very near the extreme high end of 27 for a Natural Bodybuilder) still within the possibility of achieving. Granted, the people who can naturally achieve that high of an index score are EXTREMELY rare, Frank Zane (at the stats presented) scored out to 26.1.

The long and the short of it is: it IS possible to achieve those stats naturally, but genetics plays a VERY big part in it!
The stats for Doug Miller have his Fat Free Muscle Index at 26.8 which is (while very near the extreme high end of 27 for a Natural Bodybuilder) still within the possibility of achieving. Granted, the people who can naturally achieve that high of an index score are EXTREMELY rare, Frank Zane (at the stats presented) scored out to 26.1.

The long and the short of it is: it IS possible to achieve those stats naturally, but genetics plays a VERY big part in it!

Not a fucking chance
The stats for Doug Miller have his Fat Free Muscle Index at 26.8 which is (while very near the extreme high end of 27 for a Natural Bodybuilder) still within the possibility of achieving. Granted, the people who can naturally achieve that high of an index score are EXTREMELY rare, Frank Zane (at the stats presented) scored out to 26.1.

The long and the short of it is: it IS possible to achieve those stats naturally, but genetics plays a VERY big part in it!

First of all, there are several different formulas used by different people to determine genetic muscle potential - none of them are fool proof.

Secondly, the science says your wrong:
Fat-free mass index in users and nonusers of anabolic-androgenic st... - PubMed - NCBI

They looked through history, dating back to the 1930s, to determine the FFMI for naturals compared to enhanced.
For naturals it has ALWAYS, regardless of advances in nutrition & training, been 25.

Thirdly, if you believe that this is all genetics and natty then, sorry man, but your an idiot:
View attachment 560881
First of all, there are several different formulas used by different people to determine genetic muscle potential - none of them are fool proof.

Secondly, the science says your wrong:
Fat-free mass index in users and nonusers of anabolic-androgenic st... - PubMed - NCBI

They looked through history, dating back to the 1930s, to determine the FFMI for naturals compared to enhanced.
For naturals it has ALWAYS, regardless of advances in nutrition & training, been 25.

Thirdly, if you believe that this is all genetics and natty then, sorry man, but your an idiot:
View attachment 560881

Looks natural to me. Just some creatine and a multivitamin. I also heard he eats 7 times a day and has never had a cheat meal. You sound like a Doug Miller hater.

Seriously though that is an absurd looking back. Good work Miller
While I agree that he does indeed look far to bulked to be natty, even bodybuilding.com comments on the "possibility" of a FFMI of 27 (and possibly even as high as 28)

Bodybuilding.com - The Science Of Natural Bodybuilding: The Blazquez Report!

16-17 = Well below average (< / - 20th percentile)

18-19 = Average (25-50th percentile)

20 = Above Average (50-75th percentile)

21 = Well above average (75-90th percentile)

22 = Excellent (95th percentile)

23-25 = Superior [Off the charts for normal adult men (Schutz et al., 2002), but in the top 85-95th percentile for Natural bodybuilders (Kouri et al., 1995)]

26-27 = Some Natural bodybuilders could get to this level (Genetics play a large role in attaining this level).

28-29 = It is possible but very unlikely to reach this level Naturally as research and science have clearly shown NO non-users have ever gotten higher than 28.

30 or above = We know this person is not a Natural bodybuilder through common-sense, but now science too (Kouri et al., 1995).

I am not saying that he is or isn't juicing: I'm saying that while it is at the extreme end of the potential scale, it IS possible. He looks awesome! If he IS natty, my hat's off to him! Can you imagine him with a few cycles under his belt!?
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Bodybuilding . Com wants people to think anything is possible naturally as long as you keep buying their supplements..

Too bad all the ads for the supplements contain pics of guys on gear..

Guys with hopes of looking like some guy in a magazine while being natty is what makes the supplement business money... These poor hopeless bastards just keep forking money over on one supplement to the next hoping it works
First of all, there are several different formulas used by different people to determine genetic muscle potential - none of them are fool proof.

Secondly, the science says your wrong:
Fat-free mass index in users and nonusers of anabolic-androgenic st... - PubMed - NCBI

They looked through history, dating back to the 1930s, to determine the FFMI for naturals compared to enhanced.
For naturals it has ALWAYS, regardless of advances in nutrition & training, been 25.

Thirdly, if you believe that this is all genetics and natty then, sorry man, but your an idiot:
View attachment 560881

Jesus, that back looks shopped it's so shredded! Next mother f'er that comes in here claiming 5% body fat is getting a close look at that shit! THAT folks is what 5-6% body fat looks like.

Oh, and yeah - I hate pricks that scream natty when they're clearly not. I don't give two shits if someone's on gear, they still have to put the time in the gym. But what bothers me is they give folks unrealistic expectations while shilling garbage supps. It's the #1 reason why I can't stand bb.com.
As a coach to natties, and having competed myself, I know exactly what can and cant be achieved without drugs.
I don't need a supplement house like bb.com to explain it to me :)

Let's take Brian Whitacre - one of the greatest REAL natural physiques of recent memory.
He's 5'9, 165lbs at 5% and has won countless titles.
So do you REALLY believe that Doug's genetics are so AWESOME that he can eclipse a fellow elite nattie by 25 fucking pounds of lean muscle?!

I'm sticking to my original opinion - anyone who thinks Doug is natty is an idiot.