Winny/Mast/Test Cycle: Diet/Dosage/etc. Advice


New member
Hey guys. I have run a few cycles in the past (anavar and test prop 2x, primobolan and test prob), but this is my most serious cycle. I wanted to wait until I was satisfied with my physique before I began something more intense. I am 6'1, roughly 223, and I'd say I'm at about 9-10% body fat. My instagram account is Jreynoldsfit if you have any interest of seeing where I am at (my last picture is basically where I am now, after having put on about 10 more lbs of muscle via test prop).

This cycle, I will be running:
- Test prop @ 50mg E.O.D. for 8 weeks(I understand this is low, but I am very sensitive to bloat, even from prop, and it's good stuff).
- Masteron @ 100mg E.O.D. for 8 weeks
- Oral Winstrol @ 50mg E.D. for weeks 2-8

I try to stick to about 100-150 carbs year round and consume a very high amount of protein. I understand some will criticize this, but it has worked for me and my physique is impressive naturally (I am regularly approached in the gym, asked if I compete, etc., was an ex-college offensive lineman who lost 80 pounds after graduating and was able to maintain the muscle).

My diet, however, will be as follows:
Keep in mind, often times I substitute protein powder with chicken or ground turkey. I understand whole foods are more valuable to the body, but I work full time at a law firm, so I am often in a rush.

Meal 1: 1 cup egg whites, 1 scoop protein, 1 tbs olive oil
Meal 2: Sesame Ezekiel Bread, Turkey Cold Cuts, Hummus
Meal 3: 99-1 Lean Ground Turkey, Sweet Potato
Meal 4 (preworkout): 3/4 cup oats, 1 scoop protein, 2 tbs PB
Meal 5 (postworkout): 1/2 cup oats, almond milk, protein powder
Meal 6: 2 whole eggs, 1 cup egg whites, 2 slices low-fat cheese
Cumulative Macros: 270 protein, 206 carbs, 60 fat

My workout split is as follows:

Monday: Chest and abs - 30 minutes cardio
Tuesday: Back and Biceps - 35 minutes cardio
Wednesday: Legs - 30 minutes cardio
Thursday: Shoulders and Abs - 35 minutes cardio
Friday: Arms - 30 minutes cardio
Saturday: Full Upper Body workout - 35 minutes cardio
Sunday: Light abs, stretch, 40 minutes cardio

I will be indulging on a few drinks every saturday. Vodka sodas.

Further supplementation:
- Liv52
- Hawthorne Berry
- Multi Vitamin
- Fish Oil
- I am not prone to hair loss at all, but I might be safe and purchase some hair growth products just in case, as Winny/Mast are both DHT.

How does this look to everyone? I train hard as a m.f'er so I am hoping to look stupidly jacked after this cycle. Thanks so much for your time, advice, and input.

Hey guys. I have run a few cycles in the past (anavar and test prop 2x, primobolan and test prob), but this is my most serious cycle. I wanted to wait until I was satisfied with my physique before I began something more intense. I am 6'1, roughly 223, and I'd say I'm at about 9-10% body fat. My instagram account is Jreynoldsfit if you have any interest of seeing where I am at (my last picture is basically where I am now, after having put on about 10 more lbs of muscle via test prop).

This cycle, I will be running:
- Test prop @ 50mg E.O.D. for 8 weeks(I understand this is low, but I am very sensitive to bloat, even from prop, and it's good stuff).
- Masteron @ 100mg E.O.D. for 8 weeks
- Oral Winstrol @ 50mg E.D. for weeks 2-8

I try to stick to about 100-150 carbs year round and consume a very high amount of protein. I understand some will criticize this, but it has worked for me and my physique is impressive naturally (I am regularly approached in the gym, asked if I compete, etc., was an ex-college offensive lineman who lost 80 pounds after graduating and was able to maintain the muscle).

My diet, however, will be as follows:
Keep in mind, often times I substitute protein powder with chicken or ground turkey. I understand whole foods are more valuable to the body, but I work full time at a law firm, so I am often in a rush.

Meal 1: 1 cup egg whites, 1 scoop protein, 1 tbs olive oil
Meal 2: Sesame Ezekiel Bread, Turkey Cold Cuts, Hummus
Meal 3: 99-1 Lean Ground Turkey, Sweet Potato
Meal 4 (preworkout): 3/4 cup oats, 1 scoop protein, 2 tbs PB
Meal 5 (postworkout): 1/2 cup oats, almond milk, protein powder
Meal 6: 2 whole eggs, 1 cup egg whites, 2 slices low-fat cheese
Cumulative Macros: 270 protein, 206 carbs, 60 fat

My workout split is as follows:

Monday: Chest and abs - 30 minutes cardio
Tuesday: Back and Biceps - 35 minutes cardio
Wednesday: Legs - 30 minutes cardio
Thursday: Shoulders and Abs - 35 minutes cardio
Friday: Arms - 30 minutes cardio
Saturday: Full Upper Body workout - 35 minutes cardio
Sunday: Light abs, stretch, 40 minutes cardio

I will be indulging on a few drinks every saturday. Vodka sodas.

Further supplementation:
- Liv52
- Hawthorne Berry
- Multi Vitamin
- Fish Oil
- I am not prone to hair loss at all, but I might be safe and purchase some hair growth products just in case, as Winny/Mast are both DHT.

How does this look to everyone? I train hard as a m.f'er so I am hoping to look stupidly jacked after this cycle. Thanks so much for your time, advice, and input.


Right, we'll start from the top down.

- Test prop @ 50mg E.O.D. for 8 weeks(I understand this is low, but I am very sensitive to bloat, even from prop, and it's good stuff).
You've made no mention of the use of an AI during this cycle, is it safe to assume you've also used no AI during previous cycles?

Regarding your Test Prop dose of 50mg E.O.D. (175mg per week)... that actually calculates down to 146.51mg of Test Prop per week after subtracting the ester weight. Less than double your naturally produced Testosterone, quite low really, one could almost say you're shutting yourself down for roughly 60-70mg extra Testosterone.

I try to stick to about 100-150 carbs year round
I'm guessing that's 100-150 per day :wtf:

Your meals you've got listed mean very little, provide a breakdown of your daily macros P/C/F.

Your workout split, you could also list the weight you'll be lifting/pushing, again, means very little. As long as you're training correctly and adequately is all that really matters.

I will be indulging on a few drinks every saturday. Vodka sodas.
I'm sure your liver will also be indulging with you.

Further supplementation:
Add in N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)

I am not prone to hair loss at all, but I might be safe and purchase some hair growth products just in case, as Winny/Mast are both DHT.
If you're not genetically predisposed (prone) to Male Pattern Baldness, then you're not genetically predisposed (prone) to Male Pattern Baldness.

As I mentioned earlier, you've stated no use of an AI during this cycle nor any mention of a PCT protocol.

Your cycle is quite light regarding your Testosterone dose, if it was merely a concern of bloat, that CAN be controlled whilst increasing your Testosterone dose to a more prominent dose of at least 100mg E.O.D. (350mg per week).

I would consider the following conservative cycle with minimal altering of your proposed cycle..
Test Prop @ 100mg EOD (350mg/week)
Masteron @ 100mg EOD (350mg/week)
Arimidex (Anastrozole) @ 0.50mg EOD (start with 0.50, this would need adjusting via blood work, as would anything else)

PCT starts 3 days after your last injection of testosterone.

Nolva 40/20/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50

Blood work you need (at minimum):

1. Testosterone, Total
2. Testosterone, Free
3. Sensitive E2 Assay (Not basic estradiol, that's for women)
4. CBC (Compete blood count)
5. CMP (Comprehensive ********* panel)
6. Lipid Profile (post cycle is fine)
7. LH and FSH (pre-cycle and post PCT)

These panels need to be done pre-cycle to ensure that your internals are ready for this ride. Mid-cycle to verify that your estrogen blocker dose is working, your blood isn't too thick, your liver is still safe and that your gear is legitimate and not fake or underdosed. Post cycle so that you can verify that you've completed your cycle safely and no issues need attention.

I'm sure the Vets will further elaborate their opinions.
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Damnit iMVP, I was all in love with your post, but you pulled the ester card. :(

I have a very serious hate for that topic as the math behind trying to actually calculate true loss from that pesky molecule is neigh impossible due to how everyone cleaves it differently and how we all metabolize testosterone differently as well. I spent way too much time trying to crack that nut, beeeelieve you me. :crying:

I do agree with everything else though, well - maybe a bit higher in the masteron department. I'd probably go up to 500-600mg of mast prop, to match the test prop - and push the cycle out to 10 weeks minimum. (or just do it easier and go enanthate with both and push for 12-14 weeks) :)
Ha hahaha *pulls out the Red Card, you're outta' here!*

Yeah, I was going to suggest Mast @ 150mg EOD (525) but thought meh, OP probably wants to be conservative here.

Megatron, delete my account please.

I.. I have failed.
I have arimidex on hand, which I will incorporate. I've used it in the past. Honestly, since my post, I've done a lot of contemplation and realized that my "bloat" is, most likely, due to an unstrict diet in my last cycle. This time around, my diet will be spot on, so I am upping my test dosage to 100mg eod. I began my first pin of test last night.

In terms of my diet, I listed my cumulative macros beneath my final meal, which states: 270 protein, 206 carbs, 60 fat. But, I will include my exact diet, which is as follows:

Meal 1: 1 cup egg whites, 1 scoop protein, 1 tbs olive oil
52 Protein, 7 carbs, 7 fat
Meal 2: Sesame Ezekiel Bread, Turkey Cold Cuts, Hummus
43 protein, 61 carbs, 6 fat
Meal 3: 99-1 Lean Ground Turkey, Sweet Potato
46 protein, 42 carbs, 2.25 fat
Meal 4 (preworkout): 3/4 cup oats, 1 scoop protein, 2 tbs PB
40.5, 54.5, and roughly 20 fat
Meal 5 (postworkout): 1/2 cup oats, almond milk, protein powder
44 protein, 37.5 carb, 5 fat
Meal 6: 2 whole eggs, 1 cup egg whites, 2 slices low-fat cheese
46 protein, 4 carb, 16 fat
Cumulative Macros: 270 protein, 206 carbs, 60 fat

And yes, it's true... I have stuck to roughly 100-150 carbs year round since graduating college 2 years ago. Fortunately, I have seen some pretty crazy results (before and after picture will be attached, including a current pic of me -- I have been off cycle for quite some time now).

Regarding PCT, my apologies. This is my first time posting on any supplement site. My PCT is going to be exactly as you stated:
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50

Additionally, I'd forgotten to include NAC. I have that in stock too. Also, I am likely to increase my masteron to 150mg eod, as I have heard you are supposed to include more mast than you do test in your cycle.

In terms of getting my blood work done...well, sh*t. I haven't done that yet and figured I am completely healthy. I obviously trust veterans more than myself, so I guess I have to get that taken care of :worried:

Seriously though, guys, thank you so much for your enlightenment. I never expected to receive such diligent, thoughtful advice and consideration. Let me know what you think of this update.
I'm no nutritionist, but your macros seem to be on point.

Good choice with the Masteron, anywhere between 150-200 EOD sounds optimal.

Well it sounds like you have everything in order, the fact that you have your diet dialled in before your cycle is a +1

Final thoughts, get your bloods done, health is of paramount importance! :wiggle:
Thanks man. That's the benefit of dieting low carb year round. Always tight. Hoping that this cycle brings me some wild results.
I'm 6 days into the cycle now. Was just curious.. as I mentioned earlier, I'm very prone to bloat. Even such a small amount of test (150mg test pro EoD) can get me some bad bloat, with a perfect diet. Nothing absurd, but noticeable for me...I hate that watery, bloated feeling in my hands and feet more than anything. At least it prevents me from cheating !

The Question:
haha but anyway, I picked up some arimidex and started my first dosage of .25ml today. From what I understand, Masteron, which I started 4 days ago, helps keep estrogen down. Is it over-doing it if I add in the .25 arimidex? I'm assuming the Masteron hasn't really kicked in yet, so I'm sure it isn't battling the mild test bloat I have right now. But, in a few days, once the Mast kicks in, maybe it'll get rid of the bloat on its own? Maybe I am rambling, but I just don't want to be putting something useless/pointless in my body if I don't have to. Thanks, as always, for your time and consideration.
No way in hell you look like that with those doses. Holy sausages on a goat. This is what i personally see with my 20/20 vision.
1)3D CAPPED (from t prop) DELTS AND POP (eq and gh) WHICH ONLY COME FROM USE OF GH AND EQUIPONA. squarey chest and skin muscle wraped from eq also
let me take a deep breath...switch to lower case.
3)You have insane genetics no doubt, without high carbs you will not grow properly or at least to the size you are now with only high protein (270 is low if on gh)... you need carbs to grow!!!! lotss of carbs!
4)I also see slin use and anapolona, you are fuller than balloon filled with helium thats about to explode

If am wrong, only reasoning behind this is that you are god and will poop on ronnie coleman
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No way in hell you look like that with those doses. Holy sausages on a goat. This is what i personally see with my 20/20 vision.
1)3D CAPPED (from t prop) DELTS AND POP (eq and gh) WHICH ONLY COME FROM USE OF GH AND EQUIPONA. squarey chest and skin muscle wraped from eq also
let me take a deep breath...switch to lower case.
3)You have insane genetics no doubt, without high carbs you will not grow properly or at least to the size you are now with only high protein (270 is low if on gh)... you need carbs to grow!!!! lotss of carbs!
4)I also see slin use and anapolona, you are fuller than balloon filled with helium thats about to explode

If am wrong, only reasoning behind this is that you are god and will poop on ronnie coleman

I have no way of validating it, but I swear on my life that I have never taken anything beyond anavar. That's it. A pro hormone when I was like 19 (stupid, I know), and anavar a few years later. A TON of hard work, great genetics, and a good diet. And a shit ton of cardio every single day. No tren, GH, and whatever else those things are. But reading that definitely boosts my confidence. Thanks.

Also, when those photos were taken, I was on nothing. It was weeks after a simple cycle. As proof of my physique, my instagram is: Jreynoldsfit.
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I'd also like to add: I've been on my cycle for about a week now. I've done 3 injections of 100mg Test Prop/150mg Mast EoD, with 50mg winny ED. As I mentioned earlier in my post, I am very sensitive to bloat. It has only been 6 days of test and I am already bloated. I had one bad meal (cookies/brownies/ice cream) mid-week, but with the amount of cardio I do, it shouldn't have me bloated this much. My face is bloated up to the point where I have perpetual wrinkles on my forehead, my stomach no longer shows my abs as it normally does, I can feel and see bloat in my ankles, and my forearms are nowhere near as defined as before I started this "cutting" cycle.

I lift like an absolute monster. I super-set everything, every set is til failure, and I lift until my eyes nearly bleed because I do not understand why you wouldn't train that hard while in the gym. Not doing so is a waste of time. After crazy lifts, I do fast-paced stair master or incline walk (15% incline @4.0 mph) for 30-40 minutes EVERY DAY. I sweat like a beast and will lose anywhere from 6-9 pounds per workout. I also have hyperhydrosis (self-diagnosed) and have always sweat like a monster. Maybe that has something to do with this bloat?

I chose to do this cycle because I wanted to be stupidly lean, but if I am going to get such significant bloat from the cycle, what the f*** is the point? I've also been on Arimidex for the past 3 days @ .5 dosage ED, which is A LOT. I know. But I am that desperate to get this bloat under control.

I understand that winny can make some people hold water too. Could that be it? I admit that I began the oral winny a few days before I began the test-prop/Mast, so the winny has been in my system for 7 days now. I am getting great pumps, but the bloat -- to me -- makes it not worth it.

Other supplementation: Milk thistle, Liv52, NAC, Hawthorne Berry, Multi-Vitamin, Potassium (for bloat...), Fish Oil

What the heck could be causing this bloat? Would love some help from some knowledgeable posters. And, as always, thank you for your time.
Winstrol bloats people, it is a hard oral on the stomach. A friend of mine always complains about bloating on winnie, it becomes substantial at doses of 100-200 ed... the swollen ankles/face, loss of definition sounds like you got some different oral, anadrol i am thinking, but your dose is tiny. Maybe your mast is npp since it's acting so fast, if you feel more androgenic, it might be test prop (pip can maybe help tell that u have test prop as it gives pip to many people). Your gear must be the issue. Give it a bit more time, drop your adex you dont need it at all, mast is at 525 it will take care of the estro, winnie as well helps. If you're still reacting the same way a week from now, drop everything, get a new lab.
When you have hyperhydrosis, you sweat alot correct? Maybe you are over sweating and losing too much water and the body is trying to compensate by holding some.
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I have no way of validating it, but I swear on my life that I have never taken anything beyond anavar. That's it. A pro hormone when I was like 19 (stupid, I know), and anavar a few years later. A TON of hard work, great genetics, and a good diet. And a shit ton of cardio every single day. No tren, GH, and whatever else those things are. But reading that definitely boosts my confidence. Thanks.

Also, when those photos were taken, I was on nothing. It was weeks after a simple cycle. As proof of my physique, my instagram is: Jreynoldsfit.

You should compete!!!
No way in hell you look like that with those doses. Holy sausages on a goat. This is what i personally see with my 20/20 vision.
1)3D CAPPED (from t prop) DELTS AND POP (eq and gh) WHICH ONLY COME FROM USE OF GH AND EQUIPONA. squarey chest and skin muscle wraped from eq also
let me take a deep breath...switch to lower case.
3)You have insane genetics no doubt, without high carbs you will not grow properly or at least to the size you are now with only high protein (270 is low if on gh)... you need carbs to grow!!!! lotss of carbs!
4)I also see slin use and anapolona, you are fuller than balloon filled with helium thats about to explode

If am wrong, only reasoning behind this is that you are god and will poop on ronnie coleman

I'd like to know how you can associate certain physical characteristics to a specific drug. Capped delts just come from androgens period, and everything else is due to actually being at a very low body fat percentage while having lean mass under that skin.

Carbohydrates are NOT necessary to prevent catabolism, it's the simple matter of caloric intake being within reason (assuming no catabolic agents like T3) while cutting. The only thing I've noticed by going into full ketosis is you become flat (very little glycogen), and lose some intensity/strength. All of which return once you start eating carbs again.

While I agree that OP has an impressive physique (cock shot was a little over the top imo :p), I am not going to start screaming that he's been cycling and what drugs have been in use.

Jrey: The best thing to do is get a private blood test done before you start tweaking hormones. It's relatively cheap, and gives peace of mind when making changes. I do suspect it's estradiol, but that's something I'd hate to have you "fix" when it may not be the case.