winny using Mr. T's kit crash, what to do?

Frankie xq

New member
i know there a few other Winstrol (winny) threads below this, but i was wondering if anyone used Mr. T's (Mohawk Research) Winstrol (winny) kit and had it crash? i thought it was supposed to suspend it nicely. there are more crystals forming by the day. seems re-heating won't do it. is there anything i can do? can i continue to inject this with the crystals not completely dissolved?

note: the Winstrol (winny) held in suspension for more than a week before i noticed the sediments. don't know if this matters.
is it a suspension or a solution? Thew peg400 method works beautifully at 50mg/ml and stays in solution. crystal clear and pain free.

whether its suspension or solution and froze up heating will put it back to solution everytime. just remember that Winstrol (winny) has a melting point of 450f or so.
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i made the solution for injection. i actually happen to have peg400. is there a way to salvage the crashed product with it?
you can still use the product as is. just heat it every time til it goes back to solution. let cool abit and fire away. either puty it on the eye of the stove (medium high) or a hot plate. set the vial directly on thre eleent or put in a frying pan. make sure to aspirate. just because it is crashing doesnt mean it aint Winstrol (winny). I have had several batches to crash but i still did um up with no probs.

i'm slaving over a Foucault paper and it's left me in misery, but you just made my night. thanks for the good news.
you may be able to add 10-20% PEG400 to your oil mix to keep it in solution. The oil and PEG will seperate, but you can shake it to mix them back together right before injection. I will be doing a batch soon that revolves around this mothod.

As for Mr T's super solvent: I am currently using it for a 100mg/ml Oil Winstrol (winny) solution. It crashes every other day, but I just stck it in the microwave for 25 seconds and it goes right into solution. It also warms it up nicely for injection. I started using the microwave about a month ago and it has not dimminished the effecteveness of the gear as far as I can tell.

good luck!