SarmsSearch SARMs vs Other Vendors

Guys, let's use this moment to educate rather than bicker. SARMs are new for a lot of people so I think it is common to have questions and doubt's about them. I have queations too.

I don't know how they are made for example. But I suspect that it isn't like test where you buy some powder and brew it.

I have never used SARMs, but I have heard anecdotally that they might be beneficial to someone who is natty and cycles: but less so for someone who blasts and cruises.

Can you validate their effectiveness/potency by getting blood work?

I have many more questions!!! I for one would love to be educated.
My understanding is that SARMS don't affect your HPTA axis as much as AAS do. I know they cause slight supression but your body is able to bounce back a lot quicker. That I have heard and read online but then again I may be wrong. I know people claim to get "shutdown" from sarms such as ostarine but I would like to see labs that just people saying well I felt libido loss. I ran ostarine at low dose and didnt feel shutdown but then again I never got labs and shouldve.
You negatively REPPED me because I ask you why you spoke badly of Sarms when you haven't experimented with them? Come on bro i didn't do that to you, instead I invite you and "all the questionable members of the forum to look at my logs" that's why I make them lol. And if we are going to voice opinions depending on the individual, dose and routine Sarms very well can rival aas. Sarms are legal Sarms do not destroy your liver and kidneys or cause dibetes. I'm not saying aas don't have a place or trying to say they are obsolete, that'd be silly. What I'm saying is that Sarms have already established thier place in physique enhancement. I'm anticipating the day I stack aas and Sarms because I want to see the results.

I neg repped you because you are a blatant shill.
Responsible aas use does not destroy your liver, kidneys or cause diabetes either. Nice fear mongering sales pitch for sarms. To compare s4&osta to tren ace is about as laughable as it gets man.
I have researched my ass of on these things. They have no established place because what they are marketed as is not the reality of what they actually do. They impact your hpta. Why bother? They arent selective enough when it comes to the androgen receptor, not yet. One has yet to be manufactured that makes them any better than actual aas. They are no better for the young to use than a comparably selected aas. People will rag on others not to do an oral only anavar cycle yet then try to push a sarm cycle which will impact the hpta just like var will. They are no safer for the young in that regard. Why would you stack a sarm in with an aas cycle? I could pick a comparable aas that is just as safe and more effective and I am going to be shut down anyway. Until they are further developed and the shutdown or suppression can be negated (which has yet to be accomplished) they are all marketing and hype. They are pushed to be used between cycles and in pct when they are suppressive, that is about as absurd and irresponsible as it gets.
I know you have a agenda and thats fine but the above are my opinions and they arent just ones I pull out of my ass, I research my butt off on these things. They are marketed improperly and IMO often in an unsafe manner that is detrimental to the potential user. Guys like you sling out unfounded fear mongering statements like aas destroy your liver and kidneys yet will tell the young its ok to run a sarm that suppresses their hpta but not ok to run var (or other oral aas) which will do the same and provide superior results. There is no moral foundation to BS like that. Its irresponsible and I dont like it.
Stop making these things sound like something they arent. In all reality when it comes to the impact on the hpta they are a steroid and as such they offer no advantage over actual aas and in fact you could use aas in just as safe a manner and get superior results. They havent established anything as far as a place in this lifestyle. If it were not for unethical marketing and smoke and mirrors they would not even be used at all. This crap reminds me of that forum EVO where sarms are shamelessly shilled by unethical people that out and out lie about what they do and do not do.
Why not just say what they are and what they actually do as far as effects in the body and on the hpta? I will tell you why, because then they have no value at all.
Im all for SARMs in the future, when they can actually be produced in a manner that makes them selective enough to offer true benefits to the user. That is not yet the case and until it is I do not recommend anyone use them and certainly never in pct or between cycles and certainly never in a steroid cycle. Talk about a why bother?
These are my opinions.
I neg repped you because you are a blatant shill.
Responsible aas use does not destroy your liver, kidneys or cause diabetes either. Nice fear mongering sales pitch for sarms. To compare s4&osta to tren ace is about as laughable as it gets man.
I have researched my ass of on these things. They have no established place because what they are marketed as is not the reality of what they actually do. They impact your hpta. Why bother? They arent selective enough when it comes to the androgen receptor, not yet. One has yet to be manufactured that makes them any better than actual aas. They are no better for the young to use than a comparably selected aas. People will rag on others not to do an oral only anavar cycle yet then try to push a sarm cycle which will impact the hpta just like var will. They are no safer for the young in that regard. Why would you stack a sarm in with an aas cycle? I could pick a comparable aas that is just as safe and more effective and I am going to be shut down anyway. Until they are further developed and the shutdown or suppression can be negated (which has yet to be accomplished) they are all marketing and hype. They are pushed to be used between cycles and in pct when they are suppressive, that is about as absurd and irresponsible as it gets.
I know you have a agenda and thats fine but the above are my opinions and they arent just ones I pull out of my ass, I research my butt off on these things. They are marketed improperly and IMO often in an unsafe manner that is detrimental to the potential user. Guys like you sling out unfounded fear mongering statements like aas destroy your liver and kidneys yet will tell the young its ok to run a sarm that suppresses their hpta but not ok to run var (or other oral aas) which will do the same and provide superior results. There is no moral foundation to BS like that. Its irresponsible and I dont like it.
Stop making these things sound like something they arent. In all reality when it comes to the impact on the hpta they are a steroid and as such they offer no advantage over actual aas and in fact you could use aas in just as safe a manner and get superior results. They havent established anything as far as a place in this lifestyle. If it were not for unethical marketing and smoke and mirrors they would not even be used at all. This crap reminds me of that forum EVO where sarms are shamelessly shilled by unethical people that out and out lie about what they do and do not do.
Why not just say what they are and what they actually do as far as effects in the body and on the hpta? I will tell you why, because then they have no value at all.
Im all for SARMs in the future, when they can actually be produced in a manner that makes them selective enough to offer true benefits to the user. That is not yet the case and until it is I do not recommend anyone use them and certainly never in pct or between cycles and certainly never in a steroid cycle. Talk about a why bother?
These are my opinions.

I would never recommend anyone taking sarms by themselves. We know they cause suppression/ shutdown. That doesn't mean they don't have a place. Run them with clomid or torem to offset suppression and it works fine. Add them to trt for added benefits without having to inject anymore. There are many scenarios that they can be utilized in and they do work. You mentioned var, and that is almost exactly how I look at them now. We know they will never beat the real deal so you should prob temper your expectations before you try them
Agreed, one should always be concerned about shutdown and take steps to negate it. Even if the shutdown is actually only a slight suppressions, it is smart to run them with clomid or torem (as TX045 wisely said). It is MUCH better to be safe than sorry. SARMs are not as powerful as AAS - yet. Eventually they will be, but not yet. They are amazing things if used properly and you keep in mind what they can do and what they are. I like to use Clen as an example. Clen is great for fat loss - but if you are 40% bodyfat it will do basically nothing for you - and most likely will actively HURT you.

I like reading the medical journals and reports for the SARMs, by the companies that are developing them. They can tell you a lot about them and their intended purpose.