Winstrol Oral Dosage Rate


New member
Hey ladies, I'm about to start my first cycle on Winny Oral Liquid. Im 22, 172cms and 63kgs and an Aussie girl. Im prepping for my first figure competition and im hoping you lovely woman can help with doses. What is the standard dose for this form of winny? What is the best cycle to do was originally looking at doing 4 weeks. Also how long does it take to exit the system?
Ive been training very heavy past few years, diets perfect as I'm in comp prep so just wanting to know what's best to harden up and get some lean gains whilst cutting.
Thanks so much to those who can help!
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10 mg per a day would be enough, split it into two: 5 mg in the morning, 5 mg in the evening.
Why not to ask your trainer?