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:confused: i have winstrol the brand is illium and i got the normal side affects like my ass was sore and etc. but today when i took the shot in the butt cheek like the shot when in good but when blood comes out it normal right? but the strange part was a lil bit of wiiny came out where is was bleeding just a lil bit u know a lil bit of white substance with the blood. im worried is it okay?????
No. You are going to friggin die dude! You're fine. That happens to me all the time with American Suspension. Chances are, that when you stuck the pin in, there was some Winstrol (winny) residue that was skimmed off the surface of the needle as it went in. Then, as the blood ran down, it simply picked up that residue, and that is what you saw. I usually let the needle stick in there for like 60 seconds after all the hormone is injected, so that is soaks in. That probably isn't accomplishing anything, but it's piece of mind for me, ya know?!
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