

New member
hey looking for some help here,

finished a full cycle this past June, then completed a full post cycle therapy (pct) nova clomid hcg, and was all good. ended up deciding to take some winstrol at the beginning of sept ... 4 days i felt severe pain in my testi's so i stopped ... ever since then i havent been able to get rid of the pain and its only gotten worse now thats its half way through nov. been on antibiotics and anti inflamatory, they've done nothing, recently been in the hospital and have had every test done down there and the doctors have NO idea what it could be as they've ruled out everything they could think of... im in real need of help cause this is extremely bothersom and nothing i take is helping, and im pretty fucking scared ... any help or thought on this would be greatly appreciated!
been to the doctor thats where i got the antibiotics ... then was refferred to the hospital and had three ER doctors look around down there and they have no idea... ive been referred to a specialist but was wondering if anyone knew something i didnt about what i said ...

and chill on that idiot part bro.
been to the doctor thats where i got the antibiotics ... then was refferred to the hospital and had three ER doctors look around down there and they have no idea... ive been referred to a specialist but was wondering if anyone knew something i didnt about what i said ...

and chill on that idiot part bro.

that's his signature chief