Hehe, well heres the story, My mother .....yes.. my mother has been workn out ever since I started working out, she has lost a significant amount of fat and she has reached the "infamous" plateau. She eats healthy and does cardio 4-5 times a week. She is about 5'1 and 160 Lbs. and 37 years old, She can't get past her plateau (160 Lbs.) and is about to give up,she is lookingto start taking a fat loss supplement and asked me to find something good for her (she asked me because I myself take supplements) I came accross Fat Burner For Women by Universal Nutrition(Personally Universal products work great for me) , and the information I read everywhere and specially the costumer reviews are very promising,but im afraid it might be too harsh on her considering shes a bit sensitive to caffeine products. I have made it perfectly clear to her that without proper nutrition and a workout plan the plateau will be virtually impossible to break and I also told her that women loose fat much slower than men. She is completely ready and has the will power to achieve her goals but I do believe a supplement will help her break her plateau. What do you guys think would be a good supplement for her?