Workout Suggestions.....


New member
Hello and thank you to anyone who can help me out.

I have been doing about 10 sets per body part at 20 reps for about 2 months now. I have lost some body fat. My question is around the # or sets and reps I should be doing for my body type and goals. I have been working out 5 days a week adn doing cardio 20 minutes before each workout. Thanks again for any suggestions.

Age: 34
Weight: 225
Height: 5’9
Bodyfat: 10 to 12% Just guessing

What are your goals? Decrease body fat, especially stomach area. Increase muscle size.

What are your current maxes on deads, squats, and bench?
Bench- 225 about 15 times
Squats-315 10 times-3 sets
Deads-5 sets of 5 at 225

Do you have lagging bodyparts? Back and Bi’s

I noticed your squat is 10x315x3. Are those ass to the floor squats,parallel, or above parallel. The reason i ask is that you dead should no way be that light if you can even do 1 ass to the floor squat at 315.

On dead, chest out, hips down, thrust through you ankles mid foot. As far as your bf its already pretty low man. it will be real hard to add strength and not put on some bf will putting on muscle.
Ya some things arent adding up here. I think you might have miscalculated your BF but that's no biggie, a lot of people do.

Obviously everyone wants to get bigger and be leaner...but you really need to pick a direction. Either cut or bulk...I'd suggest cutting then lean bulking. Cutting would me 1hr of cardio/day (preferably first thing in the AM) followed by a workout in the pm. Diet plays a big key in weight loss as well so you have to have that in check.
Ya I do go light on the dead lifts. I do full squats, parallel. I see what you are saying outlaw....I need to beef up my cardio, then worry about getting bigger. Meaning, get my body fat to where I want it then work on strenght and size. I wish I know my exact body fat.......Im a big guy I just have the belly fat I would like to get rid of. Maybe increased cardio would do it, and of course continuing to eat as clean as possible.

Any suggestions on the number of reps, sets and how many times to work out a body part? I am ready for a change. Not sure if I should be doing alot of reps or going heavy.

I have just been winging it in the gym lately, with now real direction. Any links or suggestions would be great.
I say for lean mass, the 6-8 rep range is good. And you can do that at 3-5 sets. Imo. For cardio, try throwing in the recumbent (sp?) bike also, if you just treadmill, watch your diet and your good. For those laggin parts like back, deads are great, and do some lat work. For bis, if lacking you can go heavire and decrease the reps a bit from what your doing.

lol @ the training advice here..

and dude. if you were 10% you would not be complaining about abs.

Cutting/Bulking is fucking retarded unless youre bulking and cutting down for a show. Eat as much protein/food as you need to grow and do all the steps to keep body fat at bay... Green Tea, fish oils, cardio, carb cut offs, etc...

Furthermore, train in ALL the rep ranges. saying 6-8 reps is great for LBM is laughable. what does that mean? do sets in 10-12 range give you fat mass gains?. The truth is all rep ranges have their benefits so train them all.

Stick to mostly compound movements.
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Thank you guys. maybe ill just do one light week and one heavy week. I think the only reason I go light on deads is jsut lazyness. I have never been a huge dead lift guy anyway. I think I am hearing I should bump it up some. I dont want to be the biggest or strongest I'm just looking stay in shape and look good.

So Ill stick to compound movements about 10-12 reps one week and 5-8 reps the next, increase my cardio, and work hard while Im in the gym.

Thanks again.