Worried about canned tuna and sodium


New member

Normally I eat 2-3 cannes a day..
Last night I ate a can at 21u pm... and
I couldn't sleep for the whole night.
I was so thursty, I had do drink 30 times in an hour or so!

Today I searched some info about canned tuna
and in one can there is 600mg sodium!

Holy shit that can't be healthy.
But I'm a student and canned tuna is so effective and so
cheap... I can't afford much else :goof:

Need some opinions please
Rinse the stuff. Do it three or four times. The bulk of the sodium is in the water. Drink some right out of the can and see for yourself.

You get rid of almost all of it that way.
phoenixphyre said:
Rinse the stuff. Do it three or four times. The bulk of the sodium is in the water. Drink some right out of the can and see for yourself.

You get rid of almost all of it that way.

I usually buy mine packed in oil but that's not always the best solution for everyone.
There are brands lower in overall salt and sodium, the tongol tuna packed in water at Trader Joes is very good.
just founded this , if you have problems falling a sleep with great thirst, take 1 tea spoon of sugar and mix with green tea , that will make the thirst go away after lots of tuna
if you have problems falling a sleep with great thirst, take 1 tea spoon of sugar and mix with green tea

This is true. Green tea is a melatonine booster. But don't drink too much or you'll have to wake up and go pee.