Would low dose Deca help with bad knees


New member
Have had bad knee's since I was 14 and doctors at the time said I would need them replaced by the time I was 25. Well I'm 44 now with the same bad knee's which they will no longer do surgery on because it's pointless. They want me to wait as long as possible to replace them and I've been doing ok so far but I'm always looking for better ways to deal with the pain besides cortisone and Ibuprophen.

Anyways, my question is would a low dose of Deca say 200mg a week help with the pain? I'm already on 500mg Test C a week and will prob cruise at 200mg a week after my cycle. At this low a dose of Deca will I need to worry about any ED issues or will the test balance that out?

Would really like to make it another 10 - 20yrs before replacement!!
Depends what is wrong with your knees. But Deca might help. You could give it a try

Deca Dick isn't about "balancing out" the deca with test. It is about managing estradiol and prolactin while using it. Make sure you have some Caber or prami on hand. And keep in mind that it takes awhile for Deca to kick in
It may help. Deca works wonders for me in that department. What you should do (as you should when cruising anyway) is get blood work and see how everything looks. You will have to wait a while to get it but as mega said manage e2 and prl and you should be fine.
Deca will help but it won't heal. So don't get all crazy with it cuz u might end up doing more harm...
No cartilage in either knee and severe arthritis, basically I've been bone on bone for years! Can still squat decent despite that but it does hurt and my legs only bend to just past 90 degrees. Just looking to extend my life under the bar for as long as possible. Doctors told me once my knee's are replaced I will no longer be able to squat or deadlift with any weight.

Will get the Prami for sure if I decide to do it. Already taking the Dex as you suggested in my other post Megatron! Blood will be done in 2 weeks at the 8 week point, I will post them when I get them.

Thank you!
I've had multiple knee surgeries myself and in the winter months, I definitely am reminded of this. If you have bad crepitus (crunching), deca will help there as well as being able to have patellar movement. If your ligaments are shot (my lateral retinaculum had to be released on my rt knee), that it won't help with.

Nandrolone is awesome stuff, I am always on it myself and really benefit from it. Just remember as tbone stated that you want to continue to take it easier on leg day as while the pain might not be as bad - you still have a weakness that could get worse.

My .02c :)
My knee's sound like rice crispies when I bend them but the ligaments are good....for now. I will check out the Nandrolone, it sounds promising! As far as taking it easy on leg day....well i've tried to lower my weights, highest i will go now is 405 once in a while if I'm having a good relatively pain free day otherwise it's no more than 315 for reps.

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