Booker's only problem is his lame ass character right now, they need to turn him back into a more serious wrestler like he ws when he was the WCW Champ. I know some like his goofy ass clown act, but come on when was the last time a clown was the champ, excluding Cripple H of course...
As for Golddust... I think that whole story line is just wrong. I have voiced my opinion on this before, but I'll do it again as well... To me his whole storyline is making fun of those with parkansine's or terrets syndrome, which in my book is absolutely wrong. What next are they going to have him have a epeleptic fit in the ring too? It's just not right to make fun of mental problem that people have no control over.
As for Stiener, he just isn't Mania quality anymore. Since he went the route of freakdom, his wrestling ability has really fallen behind. Sure his match with Booker last week was good, because Booker and Stiener know how to work together, unlike him and HHH, but if he can only wokr with those he already knows he just isn't main event. I say bring in Rick Stiener and for the Stiener Brother back up to face Storm and Regal at Mania if they really must have Stiener on Mania.
Here is a list of match that have been announced so far...
Rey Mesterio vs Matt Hardy
Vince vs Hogan (boredom match for sure)
Booker vs HHH
Brock vs Angle (but with Angles injury I highly doubt this will go down)
Jericho vs HBK (Jericho challenged HBK, but HBK hasn't accepted yet...)
I really think they are pushing to team Undertake and Nathan Jones against A Train and Big Show, don't think it will be a great match, but I think it will happen at Mania.
I hope to hell that they don't bring John Cena back to face Brock at Mania, it king looked like that was where they were going last night on SmackDown. Cena just isn't championship contendership if you ask me, not with guys like Beniot being lost in tag team matches.
Damn WWE needs to get guys writing that actually know what the fans want to see, not what they think up in their wet dreams...