WSB kicks ASS.....HUGE NEW PR!!!!


New member
I have been doing weastside for only 3 weeks or so now and did rack deads for the first time today. I did good morning for the first 2 weeks. I have never held more than 315lbs because the last time I tried 365 with no straps I couldn't hold it. Today I hit not only the most I have ever rack deaded with the pin setting 2 inches below my knees but by far the most I have ever held. 495X1. I still can't believe it. This is by far the best program I have ever tried I wish I had gone PL a long time ago. I'm gonna get 515 next week.
Mudge said:
"Everything works, nothing works forever." - Louie Simmons

"Get on your knees and smile like a donut." - Richard Simmons
roccodart440 said:
No WSBB has some 9 weeks routines. Possibly longer.
Ur talkig about Dave Tate's routine I think. But if you read Louis's articles whcih I';m sure you have, he says switch excercises every 1-3 weeks depending on ability.
WSb doesnt do deads off the floor. They do good morning instead. Damn no love for the PR and I was excited too.
damn thanks. I wasnt tryin to get any praise out of it but Jesus. You get way more love from the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) forum on this borad huh?
wsb is good stuff. i use their concepts in my training and with many of my clients.
I like joe defrancos lifting routines too, what i do more of.

some things to realize you will lose thigh mass if all you do is box squat...
Nice PR. Dont be afriad to throw some full deads in there, especially before you deload. Throw some hypertrophy beach boy sets in there too for a balanced power-building style approach and you'll be set.
DougoeFre5h said:
Nice PR. Dont be afriad to throw some full deads in there, especially before you deload. Throw some hypertrophy beach boy sets in there too for a balanced power-building style approach and you'll be set.

DougoeFre5h said:
Nice PR. Dont be afriad to throw some full deads in there, especially before you deload. Throw some hypertrophy beach boy sets in there too for a balanced power-building style approach and you'll be set.
After I get more used to it I am definitely going to throw in some muscle excercises as well. I already do higher rep biceps stuff on the dead/squat days and II'm gonna throw in some higher rep incline db work and some leg presses I think.
02gixxersix said:
and actually his 9 week routine changes ME excercises every week.

Wel in his ME theory workout your correct. Even in his longer routines invloving the same ME excersize he does change things such as band tension along the way.

Check out his article entitled the lightened method in this months PL USA.

Louie rocks he has more experience than most and has had many lab rate to test his ideas on. I subcribe to alot of WSBB training methods. Just didn't want you to think you absoluterly have to switch it up so often. Go by what your body is telling you.