Xtreme Rage discussion/concerns


New member
Hey guys,

I was suggested from an experienced friend on the subject to take a product called Xtreme rage. This would be my first PH and I just have some questions. I'm 20 years old and have been lifting seriously for 5 years. I've taken preworkouts in the past and decided it's time to see some real gains, seeing that I haven't been able to gain in the past 2months

I started lifting at 180lbs and now am 235lbs at 6' 4''. My diet is pretty good

(3 full meals a day with 3 protien shakes spread through the day and plenty of water and a few small snacks periodically as well)

The product contains: 2a-17a-dimethyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one

suggested use is once a day first week..twice a day 2nd and 3rd.
looks like superdrol, google superdrol and you will se exactly what it is and what gains you can make from it. You're only 20 though, no need to take a prohormone now, you should still be seeing gains naturally. Eat more real food, only take shakes post workout.

but you porb not going to listen and take it anyhow, seeing as thats why Id prob do, :). So, here is what you need to do.

Get some cycle assist, start it 1 week before you start taking superdrol.

Here is what your cycle should look like.

weeks 1-8 cycleassist
1-8 liv52
1-4 xtreme rage, only do 20mg a day since your first prohormone. take 10mg in morning and 10 6 hours later.

weeks 4-8, get a serm, superdrol is strong stuff. nolva. take it at 20mg a day.
weeks 4-8, natty test booster, people have there favorites, pick one.

Make sure your diet is on point and eat like crazy. Drink tons of water.

again, you should wait, another couple years.
thanks alot for the suggestions. If I end up starting it, it will 3 months from now so I have that time to see if start gaining again and getting my diet set up perfectly.
thanks alot for the suggestions. If I end up starting it, it will 3 months from now so I have that time to see if start gaining again and getting my diet set up perfectly.

This is what you are doing to your liver and HPTA system if you run superdrol at 20: :chainsaw:

Don't be that guy, stick to the natural stuff until you are at least 23-25. I didn't run a real cycle until 28 and made great gains off of natural supps and food.
Hey guys

I'm 20 Just finish my first bottle of Xtreme rage and I loved it I went for 158 to 175 in a month my bench went of 50lbs from 255 to 305 for 2 my sqauts also went up I've done other superdrols but none have worked like ths one very good stuff I'm pcting right now and when I'm done I'm going to do there new product called vulcan witch is a stacked PH deffenitly take there stuff if you like prohormones.....
looks like superdrol, google superdrol and you will se exactly what it is and what gains you can make from it. You're only 20 though, no need to take a prohormone now, you should still be seeing gains naturally. Eat more real food, only take shakes post workout.

but you porb not going to listen and take it anyhow, seeing as thats why Id prob do, :). So, here is what you need to do.

Get some cycle assist, start it 1 week before you start taking superdrol.

Here is what your cycle should look like.

weeks 1-8 cycleassist
1-8 liv52
1-4 xtreme rage, only do 20mg a day since your first prohormone. take 10mg in morning and 10 6 hours later.

weeks 4-8, get a serm, superdrol is strong stuff. nolva. take it at 20mg a day.
weeks 4-8, natty test booster, people have there favorites, pick one.

Make sure your diet is on point and eat like crazy. Drink tons of water.

again, you should wait, another couple years.

not good advice. "in bold writing"

dont run do prohormones or aas.

and if you do run a real post cycle therapy (pct). You re making a mistake.
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