
Dud e maybe your GF ordered it to kee p u alive while she tortures you to marry her LOL
jb160 said:
Dud e maybe your GF ordered it to kee p u alive while she tortures you to marry her LOL

Funny you should say that...she is from Brazil, this package came from Brazil...I wonder??????
Yup...not what I expected when I opened the package at my back door...was looking for 2k of dbol...instead I now have torture juice...anyone need someone knocked off...each bottle is 20 ml, so I figure as doc use it in a drip if I dump half in debitors drink he is dead...maybe I will hang to this stuff...
dallasskyline said:
Funny you should say that...she is from Brazil, this package came from Brazil...I wonder??????

Dude that is some freaky shit well if you disappear for a while we know what happened. Good luck with everything bro watch your back didn't you just setup a trust fund and a bunch of shit for her? :eek: :eek: :eek:
jb160 said:
Dude that is some freaky shit well if you disappear for a while we know what happened. Good luck with everything bro watch your back didn't you just setup a trust fund and a bunch of shit for her? :eek: :eek: :eek:

Yes, I did...but I have to sign off on all the atty paperwork after the physician gives us 100% pregnancy verdict before she can get the money...so offing me now does her no good...unless I am waaaay off base, she doesn't have it in her to do that...plus, man I have SHIT LOAD of this crap...not just a couple bottles...think if a box that can hold a dvd player for your home...that is how many I have...I htink my source just dropped the wrong package off...his cell phone v-mail is full, his e-mail is full...I guess I will just hang on to it until I can track him down...what bummer, I was looking forward to taking the dbol when I got back from key west...damn drug habit...
All clear on the home front...my source called me 2 seconds ago...sorry I can't help torture anyone as much as I would like to...but this shit most go back to its rightful owner...my source just go back from the coast and is making his rounds and apparently is still a bit "hazy" from the trip...talk about a good source...he is giving me 100 clen for free for the trouble I went through...what trouble, i asked all I did was open a box...oh well...this is one of the many reasons why I like my source...

And DAMN jb160...you had me thinking there for a second that my gf would try some shit...
dallasskyline said:
All clear on the home front...my source called me 2 seconds ago...sorry I can't help torture anyone as much as I would like to...but this shit most go back to its rightful owner...my source just go back from the coast and is making his rounds and apparently is still a bit "hazy" from the trip...talk about a good source...he is giving me 100 clen for free for the trouble I went through...what trouble, i asked all I did was open a box...oh well...this is one of the many reasons why I like my source...

And DAMN jb160...you had me thinking there for a second that my gf would try some shit...

Dude I was seriously concerned you gotta look at it from 3rd party perspsective all those post about your well extra ciricular activities and DFW the cruise I thought U told her and that was it........... the end of Dallas glad it was a mix up though!!!!!! HOORAY Dallas will live to see another day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jb160 said:
Dude I was seriously concerned you gotta look at it from 3rd party perspsective all those post about your well extra ciricular activities and DFW the cruise I thought U told her and that was it........... the end of Dallas glad it was a mix up though!!!!!! HOORAY Dallas will live to see another day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gracias...yes, I will live to support my source and dope man for another day...I am sure their bankers are smiling. I do see your point though, but man, she is sooo sweet...I just couldn't see her pulling some shit like that...but look at it this way, she has no idea about my extra-ciricular activites, so there may be things I do not know about her...

Oh well...I am guesing she will leave me...I deserve it. Anyone want to make a wager wether she stays or goes? I say she leaves me...she is from a wealthy family so money plays zero role in any decision she makes...my guess is this time Friday I am single...
dallasskyline said:
Gracias...yes, I will live to support my source and dope man for another day...I am sure their bankers are smiling. I do see your point though, but man, she is sooo sweet...I just couldn't see her pulling some shit like that...but look at it this way, she has no idea about my extra-ciricular activites, so there may be things I do not know about her...

Oh well...I am guesing she will leave me...I deserve it. Anyone want to make a wager wether she stays or goes? I say she leaves me...she is from a wealthy family so money plays zero role in any decision she makes...my guess is this time Friday I am single...

I thought you were going to ask her to marry you?
jb160 said:
I thought you were going to ask her to marry you?

I am, but I am also going to tell her about my infidelity...I am tired of lying and want to give her all the facts...it is only fair to her. I still say I will be single...I am hoping I am wrong...
dallasskyline said:
I am, but I am also going to tell her about my infidelity...I am tired of lying and want to give her all the facts...it is only fair to her. I still say I will be single...I am hoping I am wrong...

Well I hope you are wrong to and she does stay with you. OH god I remember when I told a GF I cheated on her fuck that was so not fun.

GOOD LUCK !!!!!!! May the force be with you son!!!!
jb160 said:
Well I hope you are wrong to and she does stay with you. OH god I remember when I told a GF I cheated on her fuck that was so not fun.

GOOD LUCK !!!!!!! May the force be with you son!!!!

Fuck the force...we are talking about a Brazilian woman here...call the fucking National Guard...she has only gotten angry at me twice...and both times I was left knowing that if she wanted to she could inflict some serious damage on my ass...she likes to throw things...I was once hit in the head with a full can of beans, in that solid steel container, that left a mark...

Yea...who knows...but I know this, I am taking a shitload of valium with me and if things do not work out for us...I won;t feel a thing for a week...