Yeah, Ephedrine


New member
Are there any Ephedrine scammers out there as there are steroid scammers?

I ask because I have finally gotten my diet in check and am looking to those some of this stubborn fat.

Please post experiences with ephedrine products, or should I just due pure ephidrine 25 MGs with 200 MGs of pure caffiene three times a day?

It would be best for me to get a product with these ingredients combined already I can take twice a day. There are some places I go during my day that I do not want to have to take a controlled substance with me to.


The site in question is Sounds to me like one of those "you're a retard and you think steroids are legal" steroid sites.
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Also, you could just go to your local walgreens or drug store and by Bronkaid and generic Vivrin. Cheap, legit, legal, and does the trick. That's what I do.
With pharmacies don't you have to fill out a form and give your license number and can only buy so many times a month thanks to methheads?
ephedrine for sale is a good site ive been there many times.Shipping took a little long but the product is 100% legit.