Definition from the AF store.
Yohimbine is used topically to increase lipolysis, or fat burning, both locally and to a lesser extent systemically (all over). Yohimbine works best on "stubborn" fat areas. These "stubborn" fat pockets are a results of genetics and estrogen exposure (natural and environmental). Estrogen creates these stubborn fat pockets by increasing the # of A2 adrenoceptors and by directly activating them (which inhibits fat burning) While yohimbine is not an anti-estrogen, its action on the A2 adrenoceptor allows for the release (burning) of fatty acids in these estrogenic fat pockets. Basically yohimbine allows you to easily burn fat that otherwise is almost impossible to burn. In women, topical use of yohimbine is most effective in thighs/hamstrings, buttocks, hips and triceps (though not limited to these)- results are noticeable in women, because of higher estrogenic exposure, regardless of body fat percentage. In men, the areas vary more but typically-chest, love handles, buttocks and thighs- results are more noticeable in men with lower body fat percentages- because men typically have less stubborn fat- though the stubborn fat they have is just as difficult to lose. Basically this means that if you are leaner you will see the results more clearly because most of fat you have left is stubborn fat, though you will not necessarily lose more fat than someone with a higher body fat percentage.