Yooooooooo, check these out before its too late..


New member
Hey guys, whats up. Just wanted to bring everyone up to date on some exciting creatine products we have in our N2BM store. They are Ancient Strength Creatine tabs and Needto's powdered creatine monohydrate..

These are two great natty supps for putting on size. They can both be ran solo, or as part of your natty stacks. Also, Needto recommends taking creatine while running your favorite anabolic and also, you can add this to your PCT for some additional size gains or to help keep your size while coming off.

The reason I am mentioning the both of these, is becuase when I cycle them, I have used teh Ancient Strength Creatine on Training days and the powdered creatine mono on off days. This obv makes the Ancient Strength last a little longer. I have had great experiences with both of these and just wanted to remind you guys that we stikll have these and not to forget about the true and tested creatine product for size and strength. Take care and check them out..SJ

and like the title says, check these out before its to late and you spend youe hard earned dollar on pure crap.

Creatine- The best creatine you can buy

Ancient Strength is the most effective form of creatine!
I just want to give this a bump to the top for the members who might have missed this. Again, if you are new to weight training and looking for that one supp to help you bulk up and get strong, then look no further then creatine. I remember the firsttime I used this years ago when Bill Phillips of EAS and MRI, brought you powdered creatine monohydrate. This was the best thing that ever hit bodybuilding. The first time I used it I think I gained well over 15 pounds. Its amazing stuff. Right now I switch back and forth between Ancient Strength creatine and powerchews creatine on training days and I use the creatine 1000 powder on off days.

You cant go wrong with creatine if you are looking to add some size..Take care..SJ
I just want tio add to this that I just ordered a can of Powerchews Creatine and I will be starting them as soon as they arrive. I have heard nothing but good things about them. They are also for sale in the N2BM Store. I will be taking them preworkout with my N2Amp and then I will continue to use the creatine 1000 powder on off days..SJ
I just want tio add to this that I just ordered a can of Powerchews Creatine and I will be starting them as soon as they arrive. I have heard nothing but good things about them. They are also for sale in the N2BM Store. I will be taking them preworkout with my N2Amp and then I will continue to use the creatine 1000 powder on off days..SJ

I have been wanting to try the Powerchew line, once I get some extra cash I'm going to order the DAA, Glutamine, and Creatine for a test run!