You asked for it. Now its here. Oral Sustain Alpha Liqua-Vade!

Here's another great reason. Reveratrol has been shown to possess activity not just as an anti-estrogen, but also as an anti-androgen. Harada et al found that resveratrol down-regulates the androgen receptor by enhancing its rate of degradation. Wang et al found that reveratrol reduced gene expression "through inhibition of both androgen- and estrogen-mediated transcription." Finally, Wang-feng Shi et al, in a study published just recently, found that resveratrol "regulates AR target gene expression, at least in part, by repressing AR transcriptional activity." I don't know about you guys, but I love repressing androgen receptor activity.

Seriously, why would anyone want to use a proven, third generation, pharmaceutical Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when they can take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) that also has good chance of being an anti-androgen? post cycle therapy (pct) is a great time for anti-androgens.

Good test tube studies, but probably about as irrelevant as resveratrols Aromatase inhibitor (AI) abilities.

We actually don't even promote the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) properties of resveratrol anymore. Res supplementation just doesn't have much effect on total E1 or E2 levels in humans.

However the vasodilatory effects are a proven benefit with obvious erectile benefits. There is actually a new human study coming out on resveratrol and vasodilation. (if it isnt published already) The glucose lowering and blood sugar benefits have been recently demonstrated in a human Canadian study too... another nice benefit.

so how does this stuff work? anyone have any feedback yet. this was originally posted like 3 months ago so someone here must have tried it.....
so how does this stuff work? anyone have any feedback yet. this was originally posted like 3 months ago so someone here must have tried it.....

Shit bro... there is thousands of guys that have used this. Its our #1 selling product aside from TREN.

Just google search "sustain alpha results" or "sustain alpha log" and you will pull up a ton of feedback.

The most noticeable benefit from this product is the increased blood flow to the penis and its libido boosting effects.

Another reason to use resveratrol during post cycle therapy (pct):

October 14th, 2009 – Drugs like Viagra (Sildenafil citrate) and Cialis (Tadalafil) are used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) by increasing blood flow to the erectile tissue in the penis known as the corpus cavernosum.

These drugs increase blood flow to erectile tissue by inhibiting the phosphodiesterase enzymes (PDE5 & 6), which prolongs the action of cGMP in the smooth muscle tissue, increasing the dilation response from nitric oxide (NO) release. However, inhibition of the phosphodiesterase enzyme system has effects across the entire body and can lead to side-effects including headache, skin flushing, nasal congestion and muscle aches. (1) These are very unwelcome side-effects when trying to stimulate sexual arousal.

New research suggests that resveratrol can also trigger erections by promoting blood flow to the erectile tissue in the penis. (2) This vasodilatory effect appears to occur within minutes of resveratrol exposure, suggesting that supplementation may provide a quick temporary boost in sexual performance. (3)

Evidence suggests that resveratrol does not have the side-effects typically associated with popular ED drugs. Resveratrol improves vasodilation by multiple cellular mechanisms, and does not negatively inhibit the phosphodiesterase enzyme system, which can lead to unwanted side-effects. (3) Whether or not resveratrol is a worthy substitute to powerful prescription drugs such as Viagra and Cialis remains to be determined.

Resveratrol better than Viagra?

^ this^ is exactly why I'm excited to be running sustain alpha with the entire testosterone recovery stack in my upcoming post cycle therapy (pct) for boladrol!

Boladrol has shut me down hard so sustain is def going to have it work cut out for itself. According to all the testimonies though im looking forward to it!
is this product safe for someone of the age of 18 to use? like steroids does it have terrible effects to someone my age ?

I would seriously consider using something else for now at your age.

A solid diet and hard work stuff should get you very far!

I don't think its wise to mess with your endocrine system with steroids or natty supps even until your 21 and/or have reached your genetic limit/unbreakable plateau.
I would seriously consider using something else for now at your age.

A solid diet and hard work stuff should get you very far!

I don't think its wise to mess with your endocrine system with steroids or natty supps even until your 21 and/or have reached your genetic limit/unbreakable plateau.

I second this notion, but my honest shouldn't go the chemical route until you really have peaked. Shortcutting gets you nowhere. It is always better to do things the hard way first to develop a strong and dedicated foundation. Besides, it is always better to play it safe as opposed to being sorry and F*cking yourself up.



Primordial Performance
I feel like the TRS Stack worked well for me after my cycle of superdrol. It allowed me to shorten my use of Nolva and my post cycle therapy (pct) was fine. Doesnt taste too bad either. How effective is it compared to topical?
would have tried it if it war priced reasonably

would have tried it if it war priced reasonably

real stuff costs much cheaper than that ,even if purchased through doc prescription and cost of blood tests

where is the proof that it works better ?

if it is priced several times higher then it has to work equivalently several times better

Sorry ,but I'm potential customer and have a right to express my opinion .
would have tried it if it war priced reasonably

real stuff costs much cheaper than that ,even if purchased through doc prescription and cost of blood tests

where is the proof that it works better ?

if it is priced several times higher then it has to work equivalently several times better

Sorry ,but I'm potential customer and have a right to express my opinion .

We'll have to find some blood work for you showing how well it works.
would have tried it if it war priced reasonably

real stuff costs much cheaper than that ,even if purchased through doc prescription and cost of blood tests

where is the proof that it works better ?

if it is priced several times higher then it has to work equivalently several times better

Sorry ,but I'm potential customer and have a right to express my opinion .

I agree you do! I believe we posted bloods when the product was introduced.

Thanks BBG. Here is part of the thread copied:

The 40 yr old male had chronically low testosterone. He had his hormone values checked on 12/9/07 prior to running an 8 week 1-T THP ether / Superdrol cycle. His levels where at 289ng/dl.

For post cycle therapy (pct) I instructed him to use Sustain Alpha with Toco-8. He didn***8217;t expect to get his T levels past 300ng/dl since he had had low T level for so long. After the cycle, he ran the post cycle therapy (pct) for 30 days, then got his hormones values tested 30 days after PCT.

After post cycle therapy (pct), his results came back with the highest levels of Testosterone he had in years --782 ng/dl. You will also notice a reduction in LH/FSH. This shows that his testes where sensitized to the effects of the LH/FSH and where able to make more testosterone with less stimulation. Toco-8 helps make the testes more sensitive to LH/FSH ***8211; testicular sensitivity is key.

Hit up any reps for a discount on the Testosterone Recovery Stack.
Thanks BBG. Here is part of the thread copied:

The 40 yr old male had chronically low testosterone. He had his hormone values checked on 12/9/07 prior to running an 8 week 1-T THP ether / Superdrol cycle. His levels where at 289ng/dl.

For post cycle therapy (pct) I instructed him to use Sustain Alpha with Toco-8. He didn***8217;t expect to get his T levels past 300ng/dl since he had had low T level for so long. After the cycle, he ran the post cycle therapy (pct) for 30 days, then got his hormones values tested 30 days after PCT.

After post cycle therapy (pct), his results came back with the highest levels of Testosterone he had in years --782 ng/dl. You will also notice a reduction in LH/FSH. This shows that his testes where sensitized to the effects of the LH/FSH and where able to make more testosterone with less stimulation. Toco-8 helps make the testes more sensitive to LH/FSH ***8211; testicular sensitivity is key.

Hit up any reps for a discount on the Testosterone Recovery Stack.

Great product, thanks for copying the information over Noa.
Anyone interested in trying Sustain Alpha, shoot me a PM and I can provide a discount. Larger discount if you are looking at the TRS stack.