Primordial Performance -
This is the 24 serving bottle right?
Yes sir!
This is the 24 serving bottle right?
I've used the TRS a few times before along with some torem and it worked well.
Maybe b/c I am single at the moment, I don't really care about the dick hardening effects of Sustain Alpha (it does give me some mental energy too), but Toco 8 and EAMax are year round staples for me.
My current plan is to add TCF-1 into my upcoming PCT (in another 2 months, LOL) and Suppress C as they both seemed to work well for me in prior cycles. Add in some torem and aromasin and I think I will be g2g (I hope). I haven't run tren ace before, so I think PCT is going to be a little rougher than normal this time.
This is the 24 serving bottle right?
Tren is brutal especially in the libido department, I think SA would be wise imo however not mandatory certainly.
The TRS stack has the option of our Liqua-Vade (oral), as well as topical Sustain
i think its mandatory, unless you are single and stay shut in for 2months
What are your guys choice in the oral vs. topical debate. Personally, I like the oral, dosing is easier, IMO.
I have always used and advocated topical over oral any day. The technology just hasn't been there yet for oral absorption vs. topical. (unless it's methylated) However, that is about to change I suspect with the AndroSeries.![]()
For those wanting more information on the AndroSeries, here are a few teasers . . .
AndroMass will have an anabolic bioequivalent to 480mg/week of injectable testosterone enanthate. We just finished the calculation. I will update on the other component once we finish the calculations.
AndroHard will have an overall bioequivalent to 561mg/week masteron or 494mg/week primobolan.
AndroLean will have na overall bioequivalence to 81.6mg/week TE . . . Along with its thermogenic activity.
Primordial Performance has evidence to support these claims. You'll see that soon.
Presales should be able to start on the 27th (December).
The first shipments of Androseries should be going out on the 10th of Jan.
Are you guys getting excited yet?
Awesome. So is the presale still going to happen this week?
We had planned to begin our presale today. The QC results were supposed to be back by today; therefore verifying we'd be good-to-go with the presale. However, the QC results were not delivered today. We anticipate based on the info we have that by either the 28th or 29th we'll be able to begin the presale. If that changes at any time, I will update you; but for now, it looks like we'll have them sometime between these two dates.
We want to be absolutely sure that what we're releasing is of the highest quality available. Quality and innovation is of utmost importance to us. These results should have been back today, but alas, they weren't. These are factors that are out of our control. As a result, we will wait until they are available before we begin this presale. I know this is aggravating to many, but we're doing this to ensure 100% what's going out is what it should be.
I will keep you all updated in the coming days. As I said, it looks like either the 28th or 29th these results we be available and we'll be a go for the presale at that time.
Thank you all for your support and patience in the matter.
I have stated that I will keep you informed of any new updates on the progess of our AndroSeries release. Here are the latest details that I can hand down to you all:
We've been told today by the company that is providing our product QC results that they will arrive on friday (December 31st). Now, as long as these results check out good and we have confirmation of a high quality product, the pre-sale would begin on friday (December 31st). However, if for some reason the QC results don't give us the information or results that we're looking for, then the pre-sale would obviously not begin. We're not releasing this product until we can confirm what we're bringing to the table is of the highest possible quality to ensure that results will demonstrate success of the highest possible standards.
In essence, this is tentative dependent upon if the results do in fact arrive on friday, and that they show us the confirmation that we're looking for.
I know this isn't what many wanted to hear today, but we're sticking to our plan of ensuring that our new products will every bit of amazing that we know they will be.
As far as anticipated ship dates for these new products if all holds to the current tentative plan:
AndroLean: January 17th
AndroMass: January 20th
AndroHard: January 25th
If anything changes, I'll keep you updated. I'm hopeful on what was discussed today that we'll be able to have those results in-hand and accounted for.
A little off topic, but for those wanting more information on the AndroSeries...
We had planned to begin our presale today. The QC results were supposed to be back by today; therefore verifying we'd be good-to-go with the presale. However, the QC results were not delivered today. We anticipate based on the info we have that by either the 28th or 29th we'll be able to begin the presale. If that changes at any time, I will update you; but for now, it looks like we'll have them sometime between these two dates.
We want to be absolutely sure that what we're releasing is of the highest quality available. Quality and innovation is of utmost importance to us. These results should have been back today, but alas, they weren't. These are factors that are out of our control. As a result, we will wait until they are available before we begin this presale. I know this is aggravating to many, but we're doing this to ensure 100% what's going out is what it should be.
I will keep you all updated in the coming days. As I said, it looks like either the 28th or 29th these results we be available and we'll be a go for the presale at that time.
Thank you all for your support and patience in the matter.
I have stated that I will keep you informed of any new updates on the progess of our AndroSeries release. Here are the latest details that I can hand down to you all:
We've been told today by the company that is providing our product QC results that they will arrive on friday (December 31st). Now, as long as these results check out good and we have confirmation of a high quality product, the pre-sale would begin on friday (December 31st). However, if for some reason the QC results don't give us the information or results that we're looking for, then the pre-sale would obviously not begin. We're not releasing this product until we can confirm what we're bringing to the table is of the highest possible quality to ensure that results will demonstrate success of the highest possible standards.
In essence, this is tentative dependent upon if the results do in fact arrive on friday, and that they show us the confirmation that we're looking for.
I know this isn't what many wanted to hear today, but we're sticking to our plan of ensuring that our new products will every bit of amazing that we know they will be.
As far as anticipated ship dates for these new products if all holds to the current tentative plan:
AndroLean: January 17th
AndroMass: January 20th
AndroHard: January 25th
If anything changes, I'll keep you updated. I'm hopeful on what was discussed today that we'll be able to have those results in-hand and accounted for.
We have received the results of our steroid hormones.
Unfortunately, our lab has confirmed that the hormone powders have failed identification. This included 3 of our 5 hormone ingredients. The other 2 hormones are pending results.
This news has put us in an extremely unfortunate situation, and is a major disappointment for everyone. We had planned on starting pre-sales Friday, the 31st of Dec., however this will not be happening now until we have identified with 100% certainty the identity and purity of these hormones.
We will now be dealing with our Chinese supplier in hopes that they can quickly re-deliver material that meets our specification.
I apologize for the build-up and now the disappointment. At this point, I cannot say how long this will delay the release of the AndroSeries. This will likely cause a delay of at least another 4 weeks. All I can do at this point is keep you guys informed.
I thank you for the support you have brought us over the years, especially with our recent pro-hormone blow out sale to support the release of this new line. I hope you can all remain loyal to us and maintain faith in our integrity and expertise as we work through this difficult time. Most would agree that our financial situation looks extremely grim at this point since all sales have stopped in anticipation for the AndroSeries, but we will continue to keep our sights focused on what’s happening in the R&D room since this is what uplifts our spirits and keeps us moving forward.
Our goal from the very beginning of this project was to produce the safest and most effective steroids the world has ever seen, with zero compromise. We are sticking to our commitment, even if it kills us.
-Eric Potratz
President & Founder
We have received the results of our steroid hormones.
Unfortunately, our lab has confirmed that the hormone powders have failed identification. This included 3 of our 5 hormone ingredients. The other 2 hormones are pending results.
This news has put us in an extremely unfortunate situation, and is a major disappointment for everyone. We had planned on starting pre-sales Friday, the 31st of Dec., however this will not be happening now until we have identified with 100% certainty the identity and purity of these hormones.
We will now be dealing with our Chinese supplier in hopes that they can quickly re-deliver material that meets our specification.
I apologize for the build-up and now the disappointment. At this point, I cannot say how long this will delay the release of the AndroSeries. This will likely cause a delay of at least another 4 weeks. All I can do at this point is keep you guys informed.
I thank you for the support you have brought us over the years, especially with our recent pro-hormone blow out sale to support the release of this new line. I hope you can all remain loyal to us and maintain faith in our integrity and expertise as we work through this difficult time. Most would agree that our financial situation looks extremely grim at this point since all sales have stopped in anticipation for the AndroSeries, but we will continue to keep our sights focused on what’s happening in the R&D room since this is what uplifts our spirits and keeps us moving forward.
Our goal from the very beginning of this project was to produce the safest and most effective steroids the world has ever seen, with zero compromise. We are sticking to our commitment, even if it kills us.
-Eric Potratz
President & Founder