sorry, not trying to be an ass, but i see it alot lately. not just here but other forums as well. someone will ask an albeit, simple question, probably already asked 1000 times before, or just a fun discussion and gets flamed. but hey, this is a discussion forum right? a place to ask questions and hopefully get answers from people who know... everyone starts somewhere, and asks newbie stuff and theres always someone who gets bent and says "use the search button" or "wthell, this was already covered this year" etc...etc..
years ago when i joined here I asked questions all the time and I always got intelligent answers from people willing to help and give advice. now it seems like if you dont ask just the right question to just the right person its like pulling teeth to get a reply.
again, not trying to be an ass... just got a little jerked at the moment
sorry for the long rant.