You best and Biggest cycle gains! let hear em


New member
SO lets hear some of your best cycles , and gains u made . interested to hear .
My personal was only test only so far at 700mg per week . went from 198-216lb . kept maybe 10
So this is a pretty stupid thread. Steroids don't work like to the more you take the more you gain. It like a light switch it on or off. Everything you above the threshold that the switch is on just increase the chance of negative side effects on the body. This thread promotes taking to much.

Only keeping 10 pound says you didn't take an aromatize inhibitor and gained a lot of water and you didn't eat enough. I'd focus on your diet instead of what steroids to take. I gained over 40 pounds and keep it all for more that 10 years.
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theres that . or u can just state what cycle worked best for u and when u gained most . it doesn't promote taking too much in any way . simply asking what everyones best cycle was for THEM .
DPR has a amazing point. I use to think think that more steroids equaled a better physique but it turned out more steroids after a certain point really just negatively effected me. I have had cycles where I gained a lot of weight and used a lot of gear but they were definitely not my best cycles. It also depends on what point you are at in life. I got really sick before and went from 205 pounds to 175 pounds. And I got on a test E cycle that averaged around 600mgs a week and I got back up to 205 in only 2 months. I think the best results I have ever had was from my last cycle I did. I gained about 15 to 20 pounds but if I could do that cycle over again I would use way less gear ,and focus on being lean not just a mass monster. I have come to find out the numbers on the scale don't mean shit its all about how you look in the mirror. Also its a lot healthier to slowly gain muscle than to put on 20 pounds of muscle and water weight in a few months. I get what you mean though the whole conversation about whats the most some one has gained in a cycle is always a interesting subject it just tends to promote people to use more gear than they really should.
theres that . or u can just state what cycle worked best for u and when u gained most . it doesn't promote taking too much in any way . simply asking what everyones best cycle was for THEM .

it really sucks how lately on this forum no one can simply answer a question or get in on a fun conversation like this without being a douchebag and saying something stupid. I dont see how this thread promotes people using too much, there are people here already using way too much.
anyway, to answer your question...i think my favorite cycle was also a very simple one. 750mg test enanthate for 15 weeks, with HCG 3x per week. i dont remember the numbers exactly, (it was about 13 years ago) just that it was a very comfortable cycle with minimal sides, and I had a good recovery afterwards.
it really sucks how lately on this forum no one can simply answer a question or get in on a fun conversation like this without being a douchebag and saying something stupid. I dont see how this thread promotes people using too much, there are people here already using way too much.
anyway, to answer your question...i think my favorite cycle was also a very simple one. 750mg test enanthate for 15 weeks, with HCG 3x per week. i dont remember the numbers exactly, (it was about 13 years ago) just that it was a very comfortable cycle with minimal sides, and I had a good recovery afterwards.
Easy there fella were just looking out for the better good of ologers all around.
Easy there fella were just looking out for the better good of ologers all around.

sorry, not trying to be an ass, but i see it alot lately. not just here but other forums as well. someone will ask an albeit, simple question, probably already asked 1000 times before, or just a fun discussion and gets flamed. but hey, this is a discussion forum right? a place to ask questions and hopefully get answers from people who know... everyone starts somewhere, and asks newbie stuff and theres always someone who gets bent and says "use the search button" or "wthell, this was already covered this year" etc...etc..
years ago when i joined here I asked questions all the time and I always got intelligent answers from people willing to help and give advice. now it seems like if you dont ask just the right question to just the right person its like pulling teeth to get a reply.
again, not trying to be an ass... just got a little jerked at the moment
sorry for the long rant.
Well I will say this. 10 years ago we took more time to plan our diets our cycles and we really did the prep to ensure a productive cycle. The doses were higher then too. We went big. It just the fact that we have learned so much in the the last 10 years.

We also want to be clear there is a percentage of young guys who thing if this is what Ronny Colman cycled I will do that too. Never mind they are 150 pounds and he was 285.
Lol i agree! So many haters on here these days! He didnt ask who took the most gear. He asked who had the best cycle, which includes diet....
Test deca. 2nd cycle ended up adding 35 lbs. No not all muscle I was dirty bulking to add size but definitely put a good frame together to cut down. Had a blast on that one and just looked freaky big after.
it really sucks how lately on this forum no one can simply answer a question or get in on a fun conversation like this without being a douchebag and saying something stupid. I dont see how this thread promotes people using too much, there are people here already using way too much.
anyway, to answer your question...i think my favorite cycle was also a very simple one. 750mg test enanthate for 15 weeks, with HCG 3x per week. i dont remember the numbers exactly, (it was about 13 years ago) just that it was a very comfortable cycle with minimal sides, and I had a good recovery afterwards.

that's a lot of test bro, but everyone gets different gains and whatever works right? :)
Went from 200lbs 7-8% body fat to a little over 240lbs...tried a bunch of stuff but most of the time it was around 1,000mg test and 800-1,200mg EQ
sorry, not trying to be an ass, but i see it alot lately. not just here but other forums as well. someone will ask an albeit, simple question, probably already asked 1000 times before, or just a fun discussion and gets flamed. but hey, this is a discussion forum right? a place to ask questions and hopefully get answers from people who know... everyone starts somewhere, and asks newbie stuff and theres always someone who gets bent and says "use the search button" or "wthell, this was already covered this year" etc...etc..
years ago when i joined here I asked questions all the time and I always got intelligent answers from people willing to help and give advice. now it seems like if you dont ask just the right question to just the right person its like pulling teeth to get a reply.
again, not trying to be an ass... just got a little jerked at the moment
sorry for the long rant.

Point taken, sometimes people just have a bad day and take it out on newbies here. I personally vow to stop throwing my dog, cat and chicken across the room, taking 3 shots of tequila one after another, and sticking my head out the window and screaming, " Why God, why?!?!?!?" every time I see a question posted which has been answered ten time before.:agreed:
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Id say the firrst cycle is always the biggest gains. I gained 25lbs and kept it all on my first cycle.
My first cycle would probably have been the best in terms of the dosage used was small however it was my first time around... 250mg Test for 12 weeks (was meant to be TRT and got off 12 weeks in so it was realistically a cycle) got me from 72kg to 84kg, dropped down to 80kg by the time I finished a full PCT of Clomid, 2 weeks later I jumped back on 250mg Test again remembering how shit it felt having test levels sub 400, and got myself up to 88kg in 8 weeks, I happened to bump the dose up to 625mg for the next
4 weeks and leaned out and put on a further 4kg getting me upto 92kg. I was stuck here for a good 4 months and came off for the final time and then committed to TRT/Blast/Cruise again realising how crummy it was to have low T (IMO sometimes you need to come off to realise the MAJOR benefits until you stick with it) and again commenced at 250mg Test and went from 90kg to 92kg when I started a blast at and I think this was an awesome blast, 200mg Test/500mg Deca which I then bumped the Deca a little bit more to 750mg and threw in 4 weeks of 400mg Tren E.

IMO, Tren+Deca is RIDICULOUS for mass, I went from 95kg to just a hair over 100kg and leaned out in that 4 weeks.