@#$% You E-60


New member
Do your fucking research! They had a steroid segment last night and guess who it was on. Greg Fucking Valentino. I usually really enjoy E-60, but I have seen several segments that are outside of thier normal realm that they have horsefucked (MMA, Bodybuilding etc.) They do a whole story about steroid and steroid abuse and they never once ask that clown about SYNTHOL!!!! His arms were about 80% oil. FUCK!!! This happenes in every article with this guy. He mentions that he took 5 grams of Test and then says nothing else. Here's an idea why not ask him why his traps sucked so much or maybe mention that his forearms should be a little bigger. WTF. Also, he was in incredible shape before he ruined his body. He looked great, what a douche.
^^threw one of my cushions at TV thinking same thing. apparently the media has to demonize everything, think of the kids the poor kids.