Your TRT experience, what positive changes you noticed first?


New member
I'm would like to know other people's experience firsthand what were the first signs of improvement you noticed and also what you felt like before starting to feel better? I'm in my sixth week of treatment 75mg every week, my blood tests show me at my highest point TT 531 ng/dL, FT 15.2 ng/dL, E2 in mid 20s and the day before my next injection (Monday) shows that I haven't even lost 100 ng/dL six days after my injection. In the last two weeks at the end of the week I've noticed my libido increases for about a day or two then tapers off a little each day thereafter. I also experience days where I feel physically weaker with muscle pain I haven't experienced in quite awhile, over the last two years I've lost a ton of my muscle mass. I've noticed my muscles seem like there are getting harder since starting TRT 6 weeks ago. I'm dying to know if other's have experienced similar symptoms before they started feeling consistently better? Thyroid is fine, body temps seem stable and extensive blood tests show normal thyroid function.

age: 45
height: 6'
weight: 230 pounds

TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL 531 ng/dL 240 - 871 ng/dL
TESTOSTERONE, FREE, CALCULATED 15.2 ng/dL 7.0 - 36.7 ng/dL

Thanks for sharing your experiences!
Many Doctor's who don't understand TRT with start you out on 1 shot every 14 days with a compound that has a half-life in the body of 14 days. this is horrible. It has the patient on a roller coaster and doesn't maintain health consistent levels. that kind of sound like what you are describing.

My doctor have me on 250mg a week and it keeps me around 1150 and I feel good. That is high for most people and would have their levels much higher.

75mg sounds low to me. with less you feel the up and down more pronounced.
Oh, very bad dosage (intra muscular ... but for subcutene injection it would be more ok, but it's still not known practice by doctors) ... could be you have more decreased testo with this route then before. :(
No wonder if you are feeling bad health issues!
75 mg/week is not enough for someone who weighs 230 lbs. Total T of 531 ng/dL is mediocre and it won't do much.
I feel like Superman

I now weigh 248 a 20 pound increase in the last year as well as much leaner. My sex drive is through the roof, I feel like I am 25. Mentally much clearer, overall just feel great. My dose is 300mg test a week and 200 mg of deca a week. I use a low dose of letrozole. Had blood work last month and everything was good. Costs a bit more but definitely worth it.
I've been on TRT for almost 7 months and started having more energy consistently in the 5th month, muscles are getting stiffer yet it seems like improvements are going slower than I expected. Body comp changes are minimal, have noticed slight changes. My endo changed my protocol to 50mg every 3.5 days (100mg weekly) and this seemed to make me feel better mentally, since I've learned how to inject at home almost 3 months ago I've decided to inject EOD starting tomorrow using 27 gauge 1/2 insulin syringes. I'm do for labs in a month and a half, will be interesting to see where I land in the range. Went to the gym yesterday and worked out until I almost passed out, muscle are sore as I can barely lift my arms.
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Calmness/patience/loss of irritation/confidence/and a general sense it will be ok was the first thing I noticed. It was subtle. I realized I was having a good day and though about it and realized everyday shit wasn't irritating me.
Calmness/patience/loss of irritation/confidence/and a general sense it will be ok was the first thing I noticed. It was subtle. I realized I was having a good day and though about it and realized everyday shit wasn't irritating me.

Something has been building up all week and at first I thought it was anxiety, now I think it was just the urge to get the heck off the couch and go to the gym. It must be motivation stirring inside me, the couch has been my best friend for more than a year do to extreme fatigue. Haven't been to the gym in 15 years.
Motivation is a huge benefit of TRT. Not to mention libido, energy, mental clarity, muscle mass, decrease abnormal fat and just plain overall health.

75mg/wk is a rediculous dose. Need to get both total t and free t up. Personally I shoot for 1000ng/dl total T for all patients. Have found much benefit when achieving this level.

Dr B
Something has been building up all week and at first I thought it was anxiety, now I think it was just the urge to get the heck off the couch and go to the gym. It must be motivation stirring inside me, the couch has been my best friend for more than a year do to extreme fatigue. Haven't been to the gym in 15 years.

get up and at em, find that motivation that youll need to be more active. yoga did it for me years ago when i sat in the couch for years. being single at the time those almost see through yoga pants that the girls wore at yoga classes at the gym was all the motivation that i needed and now i am almost in tip top shape.
please keep us posted on your progress.