Your typical noob looking for Test prop and Anavar guidance


New member
Hey guys, after deliberating for some time I have come to my senses and have to decided to run my first cycle. If any of you guys could chuck in your 2 cents it would be much appreciated.

26 years old
6ft 2
215lbs - roughly 15% body fat (cutting for a few more weeks before starting)

The plan;

Week 1-7 Test Prop 100mg EOD
Week 2-7 Anavar 50mg ED

Week 1-7 Armidex 0.25 or Aromasin 12.5 EOD
Week 4-7 HCG 500 EW (Ex. Monday 250 Thursday 250)

4 days after last prop shot

Clomid 100/75/50/35 (<bit funky maybe best to just go 100/100/50/50?)
Nolvadex 40/20/20/20

Probably could do with waiting another year but you know how it is :dance2:

Thanks for your time and experience you heros.

Test prop has a big bite to it. Shit stings after pinning in most cases. You have to pin every other day in different sites. That's a lot of virgin muscles getting pinned! You probably won't be able to sit on your ass cheek, pick up your arm (delt shot) or barely walk (quad pin) doing prop for a first cycle. Test is all you need for a first cycle but this is a little ballsy. I don't run prop and I've been around the block a lot.

I would suggest reading the beginner cycle stickys. This is not a good first cycle. Drop the anavar also.
Yep a 12 week test e cycle would be better bro, 250mg every 3 or 3.5 days, get used to pinning like tbone said the prop has a bite, and will leave your ass sore. Leave out the orals and see how your body reacts to the test alone
Go with test C or E 500mg per/wk 12 weeks. 7 weeks is way to short for a cycle. NO oral for first cycle bro your going to respond like a mofo to the test alone! plus you need to learn how your body responds to testosterone alone before adding other compounds.
Well there you have it, 3 against 1, shall we continue?

Ah ha ha haaa shall we continue LMFAO. ... :laugh:

So OP I am not laughing at you. we all had to start. Just the way it was put , ya know :)

But you really need to do some simple reading and it's all here for you in the O'logy Sticky Posts. Well OP much of what you will need to know.

Good Luck on your read up ! There is a lot of info a person should have before they start stabbing their asses with a needle filled with synthetic hormones.

But we are here to help...
Ah ha ha haaa shall we continue LMFAO. ... :laugh:

So OP I am not laughing at you. we all had to start. Just the way it was put , ya know :)

But you really need to do some simple reading and it's all here for you in the O'logy Sticky Posts. Well OP much of what you will need to know.

Good Luck on your read up ! There is a lot of info a person should have before they start stabbing their asses with a needle filled with synthetic hormones.

But we are here to help...

Have ur laughs buddy I'm just trying to be as helpful as I can
dont get prop. go with teste or cyp. for for 12 to 14 weeks, use an AI during and have a PCT ready for after and good luck. dose for test 400-500mg ew IMO