ZIP Users please reply.

Uk Boy

I realise this should probably be in the supplements forum but I can get more responses here so please could you leave it in here mods. Thanks.

After reading the product info on ZIP on the Protein factory shop page, I wanted to know what those bros who used it thought.
I agree with what they say that ECA is not the best as when you stop, the fat comes back. They are claiming great things and Im genuinely considering giving it a go. I would like to hear what anybody else especially those who used it think.
When I run outta Ephedra, I will most likely use this stuff to combat the weight gain. Honestly though, Im 19 and have lost over 30pds on EC stack. If I keep up my cardio and dieting like I have been I dont see this weight coming back when I get off it.
I will taper down the ephedra until its gone, probobly drop like 5mg a week or so.

I also believe that I can fly and am invincible.

Just a personal opinion.