Recent content by 2GAINS

  1. 2GAINS

    Can pullovers actually make you broader?

    I know arnold said they could but has this ever been tested? What are your experiences? Btw I am not talking about chest growth and serratus growth. I mean bone and cartilage expansion. Is this bro science?
  2. 2GAINS

    To all those saying you can maintain steroid gains.

    Thats not how it works, once you get higher in weight its harder to keep gaining. Im not saying what I gained was all muscle but its futile to even argue. It wont bring my gains back. Just blast and cruise and das it
  3. 2GAINS

    To all those saying you can maintain steroid gains.

    So then I only gained only 2 lbs of real muscle in 12 weeks? That is easily achievable naturally and I refuse to accept the fact that I only gained that little when I could have done so naturally. I know for a fact my training routine and diet are not the problem in this case because they have...
  4. 2GAINS

    To all those saying you can maintain steroid gains.

    Ok lets say I didnt gain a single pound of muscle and it was all water. I ask you this then. Is it possible for your working sets on bench to increase by 50 lbs, 60 lbs on dead lifts, 50 lbs on squat not to mention the other increases, simply by adding some water to your muscle? It seems very...
  5. 2GAINS

    To all those saying you can maintain steroid gains.

    http:// Its not just me who thinks this way
  6. 2GAINS

    To all those saying you can maintain steroid gains.

    Yes I actually do believe it. It has nothing to do with being stupid. This was my first cycle. I didnt know what to expect. So get off ur high horse. So what ur saying is that even though I was on cycle, my lifts went up and so did my weight. None or very little of what I gained was muscle. I...
  7. 2GAINS

    To all those saying you can maintain steroid gains.

    To all those saying it was water that I gained I doubt it. Reason being because my lifts went up much much higher. bench increased by 50 lbs for working sets (didnt test out max). deadlift increased by 60 lbs for working sets and squat by 50 lbs again for working sets. I usually do 4 sets of...
  8. 2GAINS

    To all those saying you can maintain steroid gains.

    I used hcg as well through my cycle, stopped it when I started pct. I guess the trick it to run it through pct too
  9. 2GAINS

    To all those saying you can maintain steroid gains.

    I did use an AI so if it was water it was definitely not 20 lbs of it. I heard about using hcg in pct from guys who compete and I will give it a try next time in hopes I will keep some gains
  10. 2GAINS

    To all those saying you can maintain steroid gains.

    Noob mistake was that I didnt get bloods done. But it was definitely muscle. I was very lean on cycle. Went down to about 8% (thats lean for me lol) plus test p and tren a are not known to put on much water plus all the strength went away too. Coincidentally both my weight and lifts went right...
  11. 2GAINS

    To all those saying you can maintain steroid gains.

    I went for one cycle of tren and test prop. gained about 20 lbs of dry muscle. I was under my natural limit still. Once getting off I increased my calories by about 500 over when I was on juice, in hopes to maintain gains. I did correct pct as followed by the stickies in this forum using both...
  12. 2GAINS

    How long until I see some difference in nipples?

    Ever since I used tren and didn't take any prami with it my nipples got really puffy and started to stick out more. I'm taking aromasin and I don't have gyno cuz when the nipples are hard they look fine. Now I started taking prami and I'm working my dose up slowly. I'm hoping this will take the...
  13. 2GAINS

    TrenA Question kick in and sides

    Day 8 for me on tren a and test prop. Str is shooting up. Arms already grew .3 inches believe it or not. Only sides I got was a little acne and low endurance, no sweats or crazy dreams or anything like that yet.
  14. 2GAINS

    Do I really need to take a rest day on a blast?

    Im running a nice test p tren a cycle. I just felt it kick in yesterday and sunday is supposed to be my rest day. Do I really need it? Do you guys take any rest days on a cycle?
  15. 2GAINS

    Hey friends gunna do AAS and hes 18. What to tell him?

    My opinion might be different from most peoples but I say let him do it. Hear me out first though, if his moral values allow it and have no problem with gear use then go for it. Take it and get to where you want to go in life. Or at least try. If you or someone else stops him hes gonna say, you...