To all those saying you can maintain steroid gains.


New member
I went for one cycle of tren and test prop. gained about 20 lbs of dry muscle. I was under my natural limit still. Once getting off I increased my calories by about 500 over when I was on juice, in hopes to maintain gains. I did correct pct as followed by the stickies in this forum using both clomid and nolva and I lost all 20 lbs of muscle plus all the strength I gained In about a week and a half after the stuff left my system. Like I said I put my calories up plus I trained regularly and had proper pct. I went right back to where I started. I have learned my lesson and this time around Im blasting and cruising. To all those who maintain gains, I guess you are just gifted genetically.

Forgot to mention
Used Aromasin and Letro....not at the same time
Used hcg through cycle but not in pct
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What are your Natty T levels at after your cycle and PCT? What were they at prior?

Losing 20 pounds in 10 days doesn't sound like muscle loss. You would have to be seriously deficient into protein consumption. It sounds more like water weight loss. What was your E2 at during your cycle?
What are your Natty T levels at after your cycle and PCT? What were they at prior?

Losing 20 pounds in 10 days doesn't sound like muscle loss. You would have to be seriously deficient into protein consumption. It sounds more like water weight loss. What was your E2 at during your cycle?

This ^.

Did you use an AI during as 20lbs of water weight could easily drop that quickly.
Noob mistake was that I didnt get bloods done. But it was definitely muscle. I was very lean on cycle. Went down to about 8% (thats lean for me lol) plus test p and tren a are not known to put on much water plus all the strength went away too. Coincidentally both my weight and lifts went right back to where they were when I was natural. Yes I used AI too, tried aromasin and letro
20 pound isn't very much of a gain from a "dry cycle" I don't see where you took an aromatase inhibitor. That would tell me you had a bit of water on you . The s gins are that you lost it all in a week. I add IGF-1Lr3 and HCG. Tren shuts you down hard and unless you do something to get your testicles back to normal size before you start your Post cycle therapy your recovery will be slow.
I did use an AI so if it was water it was definitely not 20 lbs of it. I heard about using hcg in pct from guys who compete and I will give it a try next time in hopes I will keep some gains
I used hcg as well through my cycle, stopped it when I started pct. I guess the trick it to run it through pct too
You dont run hcg in pct.
How did you train? What was your exact pct? What ester tren , ace or enenthate, and when did you start your pct?
Was this a cutting cycle?
you cannot lose 20lbs of muscle in a week. not a chance. you ran a cycle, your muscles filled with water giving you some strength and the illusion that you were adding mass. the water you retained was intra-muscular so it only filled your muscles which can make you look lean and make your muscles look full. your diet was not adequate to put on muscle so after the cycle you pissed out all the water and lost the strength and size leaving you where you started...thats my guess
those 20lbs were more likely...

50% water, 25% fat, 25% muscle

you CANNOT lose 20lbs of muscle in that amount of time, impossible
Maybe if you came off, ran no PCT and went on a stimulant bender, ok yes. Otherwise like I said, something was done wrong. Diet, training, something. But my bet as others said is it was mostly water.
To all those saying it was water that I gained I doubt it. Reason being because my lifts went up much much higher. bench increased by 50 lbs for working sets (didnt test out max). deadlift increased by 60 lbs for working sets and squat by 50 lbs again for working sets. I usually do 4 sets of 10-12 reps on these so I definitely think there was some muscle being gained.

This was a lean bulk cycle initially, not a cutting cycle. I cut near the end portion of my cycle but because I have a fast metabolism this did not take a long time for me. When I finished my cut I was 20 lbs heavier then when I started. My calories were kept 300 over my calculated total daily expenditure on the lean bulk. Increasing them as my weight increased. Split 40% protein 40% carbs 20% fats. Ratio was constant even during the mini cut phase just calories were lowered.

I used test p and tren ace starting at 700 mg/week of total gear and eventually going up to 900 mg/week of total gear. And hcg was dosed at 500 iu/week

My pct was done 5 days after last injection Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20

My training was the typical bro split. Training one body part a day like chest day/back day/leg day/ shoulders/arms & abs. Did around 24 sets of total exercises per day of 10-12 reps each. Did both compounds and isolation but mostly compounds

I did everything by the book to my knowledge. Please correct me if you see anything I did was not optimal.
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Serious question:
Are you really stupid enough to believe that you lost 20 pounds of muscle in 10 days?
Do you really believe this?
Read my question again...really? REALLY?

Your numbers went up because your test was higher, your weight was higher, more glycogen & water within the muscles, better nutrition partitioning to direct your energy from food to be used as fuel for your workouts, etc - it had very little to do with actual muscle gain.

As for not keeping any of the gains, either your gear quality wasn't great or your pct didnt lead to a full recovery - botg of these require bloodwork.
My advice would be to get some bloodwork so we can see if there is something strange going on as far as recovery goes.