Recent content by 70w30

  1. 7

    One juiced up Dog (Bullmasiff)

    You are as stupid as the breed you own fucken moron.
  2. 7

    Jimmy Atienza

    midget with a chicken chest
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  4. 7

    The Massive Freak World Harris - amateur bber

    useless........ will never get a pro card Gay porn is in his future for sure
  5. 7

    The New ARNOLD

    agreed bhis last Olympia win he looked dry and thinned out. He iss the best in my opinion.
  6. 7

    Who would win, Anderson silva or bj penn?

    how old are you twelve ? What does this mean in English?
  7. 7

    Ufc 98: May 23, 2009

    Wow Serra Dropped down fast after one loss. I actually think Chris Lytle had him beat. Hughes carreer is done. i hope Hughes doesnt gas and kicks his ass.
  8. 7

    Robby Robinson Still Waging War at 62

    Thank xxx WEIDER FOR EXPLOITING AND USING PEOPLE......he is lining his pockets but does not care or give a fuck about the people in his sport. Complete piece of shit
  9. 7

    What are you listening to right now?

    motorhead ace of spades
  10. 7

    Need some ligaments... injurys of my shoulder tendons.

    your shoulders rotators take a real beating in heavy pressing movements....shoulder presses bench etc backoff rest and take it easy bro
  11. 7

    arnolds routine, isn't this overtraining?

    Joe Weider ben weider Joe Gold all jews
  12. 7

    arnolds routine, isn't this overtraining?

    if you live to train and eat and do nothing else yes I,m sure the recovery is that much quicker
  13. 7

    arnolds routine, isn't this overtraining?

    He made those two Jews hundreds of millions of dollars I think its a fair trade off:rolleyes2 Jew weider never worked out a day in his life , have you ever seen pics of him in a contest :laugh3:
  14. 7

    Tattoo of the day

    alot of fucking weirdos in bodybuilding