whos has big traps... whats your workout... see mine?


New member
i need of a good mass trap workout...
iam going to do my traps 1 time per week

3 sets bb front shrug
3 sets bb rear shrug
2 sets side db shrug
2 sets of deads

would this be ok?? shoud i add in some up right rows?

who has big traps? whats your workout....
I do 4 sets of front B-B shrugs then 4 sets of sets of seated D-B shrugs. reps of 10-8-6-4
then i burn out with front B-B until failure with a decent amount of weight. I don't really do deads or rear.. I find I get excellent response from my current form. I find though that traps are hard to shock and get sore, I try to go as much weight as possible on my sets and thats why I burn it out to failure to make sure I hit it. I find this method gets my upper traps,neck, and upper back really well built. not really too much you can do for traps.
i just done my traps an hour ago and felt like i could do them all again just feels like iam not doing enough... but 10 sets has got to be enough?....
my old trap workout was like this

bb front shrugs 3 sets
bb rear shrugs 3 sets

but that was 2 times per week but dint feel like was making much gains from it so reason why i have changed to the other trap workout...

iam just looking for the arch you get from nec to shoulders mainly
heavy deadlifts and heavy upright rows...

I have pretty large traps and that has always been my bread and butter.

I normally follow heavy deadlifts with 3 sets of heavy barbell shrugs, I make sure to get a complete stretch and a complete contraction.
Really emphasize the pinch at the top. I personaly like to do my DB shrugs the same way I would do something like crazy 8's. 20 rep full shrug and PINCH GODDAMIT at the top, then 20 totaly relax shoulders and go half way up, then 20 from the half way up, so 60 a set.. Don't do any of that bullshit were you see people rolling their shoulders backwards and forward unless you don't like your rotator cuffs. My traps aren't huge, but my genetics gave me pretty big ones for my size. If I were to ratio it out, or compare it to other muslces on my body my traps are abnormaly large. Also, how much weight are you using when you do BB front shrugs? To give you some perspective I weigh in the 165-170 range and when I do BB front shrugs I use 275.
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Dont know if you've ever used a calf machine like this one here:

Or if your gym even has one for that matter. But these machines serve a duel purpose. If your even an moderatly experienced lifter you've seen a machine like this. Just unrack the weight and don't move your calves, just shrug the weight up and down. Using a machine like this also allows you to use ALOT of weight and makes it less neccesary for you to make that pinching motion, because all the heavy ass weight is just sitting on your shoulders. Hope that helped.
thanks guys....

do you guys get a big pump from the traps when done workout??? how many sets in total do you do 1 time per week??? also do you feel like your not working them hard enough???
I typically train them twice a week, for the same reason you stated above, it feels like I havn't worked them hard enough. I almost always try to do 4+sets, also man are you taking an gear? Cause that could be contributing to the feeling of you not working them hard enough cause your body is repairing quickly. When ever I finish they don't feel pumped like my arms or chest, but they stand up more cause there fulla blood.
Dont know if you've ever used a calf machine like this one here:

Or if your gym even has one for that matter. But these machines serve a duel purpose. If your even an moderatly experienced lifter you've seen a machine like this. Just unrack the weight and don't move your calves, just shrug the weight up and down. Using a machine like this also allows you to use ALOT of weight and makes it less neccesary for you to make that pinching motion, because all the heavy ass weight is just sitting on your shoulders. Hope that helped.
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ye iam on a test var cycle.... only have 4 weeks left of cycle so if they dont grow much i will have to make changes again...
Pads are to close together...if the rested ontop of the shoulders you would get a better movement

Even so, using a machine like that one will give your traps one hell of a shock. Truth is you probably are working your traps sufficiently and that it's just the juice that is making you recover quickly. Just my two-cents.
Even so, using a machine like that one will give your traps one hell of a shock. Truth is you probably are working your traps sufficiently and that it's just the juice that is making you recover quickly. Just my two-cents.

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tried it don't like the limited range of movement

Well then thats just your preference bro. Wer're trying to help someone out here not tell them your IMO's. If you have a machine like that in your gym...try it, you won't regret.
power cleans and deadlifts. i have rather large traps, have never done a "trapezius-specific" workout in my life. same for my foreams, i have large forearms, from the deadlifting i assume
I used to do heavy barbell shrugs with the pad used for squats on the bar; that way the bar wouldn't get caught up on my clothes, and would roll nicely instead. That seemed to work well. I don't do them anymore because i think my traps stopped responding from the exercise after a while, besides i made my way up to 700+ lbs for sets and after a while i just felt like it was unnessisary stress being placed on my body anyways. Nowadays DEADS is the only exercise that leaves my traps sore the next day like a mother******
i used to have nice traps back when i was on gear lol, but they have shrunk since then...but all i ever did was HEAVY dumbell shrugs!!