Recent content by aidenmanofrisque

  1. A

    Is Paleo any better than just counting macros?

    we evolved out of our paleolithic stage as humans a very long time ago, unless you have a medical reason to do it imo the paleo diet makes no sense.
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    My First Cycle, please help

    hello, i personally hate dbol, it doesn't build good muscle nor does what it gives you last at all. Secondly, tren is a bit strong for your first shot ever. If you do want to do the dbol i would go with 10-20mg's a day, which is what the dr's who developed it intended it to be dosed at. That...
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    ....First time with tren ace....

    you shouldn't really be waiting for it to "kick in" you should notice it right away(the tren), and if you can handle it pin the prop and tren ED, if you pin EOD your levels are spiking nonstop which will intensify any sides you get. If its giving you trouble sleeping pin it in the morning.
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    current cycle tren ACE/prop

    5'11" ~200-210 lbs. %bf who the hell knows 5 days in at the moment, pinning 50 mg's of tren and 62.5 mgs of prop ED(1/2 a cc of ea). So far sides are very mild compared to pinning 1 cc of tren EOD. I pin in the morning before work so the tren hasn't been affecting my sleep too much. Definitely...
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    How to maintain alpha feeling/aggression off cycle

    So, I've been off for a while due to illness, not going back on for a few months, but the thing i notice the most is I don't have the drive like when i was on. I miss the aggression and alpha feeling. Don't get nearly as much done without it. Anyone feeling the same thing
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    Tren is no joke after all

    self-control. Learn to live off the rage. This shit is no joke keep it all in the gym
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    Planning my next cycle. Ideas, input, etc.

    yo that razor cuts you like a boss
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    Planning my next cycle. Ideas, input, etc.

    waceyf i really just want to try test and npp together. I'm closer to 12 than 15 right now, by the time i go on i should be back to 10 or lower ill post a pick when i get up tomorrow bloated from casein atm
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    Planning my next cycle. Ideas, input, etc.

    Also, my UGL guy has his BS in chem Engineering. His setup is the best I've ever seen/heard of for anyone outside of a fullscale company. Gets powder by the kilo, has it tested before he cooks it. Carbon air filtration on multiple vents, sealed room, full scale filtering machines, the whole...
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    Planning my next cycle. Ideas, input, etc.

    Stats age- 24 in 2 weeks, 5'11", 205, 10-15% BF. So this will be my 4th cycle. 1st cycle test E and tren ace, 2nd test, var, tren, winny(on intervals not all at once), 3rd cycle test, deca. test doesn't really bloat me as long as I run an AI, I don't get too bad of sides from tren, I get...
  11. A

    Test, tren, anavar and clen cycl

    Kazmir could you please share any info, such as articles or studies, about tren being suppresive on the thyroid? I always have trouble trying to find any actual studies on the stuff other than feed industry reports on cattle.
  12. A

    Test, tren, anavar and clen cycl

    have you ran tren or clen before? that's a lot of clen, i don't know what male doses are regularly, but my GF(age 29) only runs 20 mcg a day. I have enough trouble sleeping on tren i couldn't imagine it combined with clen. That and your heart is gonna be jumping out of your chest.
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    Cutting SUST/WIN +LETRO to fix gyno

    as for your gyno, hop off the sust get on something more stable like cyp or prop. If you had gyno that wouldn't go away from that much adex (i wouldn't do more than 2mg a week if its real pharma) you have a prolactin problem, especially with tren. You need to combine the AI with a DA such as...
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    Cutting SUST/WIN +LETRO to fix gyno

    if you are having issues with gyno don't run sust. The test decanoate is just gonna sit in there and aromatize. Also, why is it that everyone wants to run hcg in such large amounts EOD, you are trying to mimic your LH production, not do some crazy pct shit. Smaller doses 250 IU, ED in the...