Recent content by Barlow2

  1. B

    Red Blood Cell Count

    Went to the doc last week and got blood work done.My red blood cell count is 53.3.How can I get this under 50?
  2. B

    ok fellas

    I'm just gonna put this out there,the oral only cycles are killing me.I'm a new Guy myself but damn! Lets break it down please Boone get offended by this.lets say your at the club you meet a girl smoking hot but all your friends tell you she has an STD.again nobody get you give the...
  3. B


    Sorry I meant anavar damn phone
  4. B


    My girlfriend wants to try car what would be a good dose?
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    I have a friend that can look at a pin and get gyno.How would you run letro?Thanks for replies.
  6. B

    Worst pin?

    Damn bro thats my biggest fear with glutes.
  7. B

    Worst pin?

    Just asking what your worst pin ever was?Mine was my last cycle phat and the guys really helped me.But damn that fucker swelled up lol.A few days later I was g2g.
  8. B

    Haft to see the dr.

    Just posting fellas.Friday night I tweaked my neck thought nothing of it.But today it kills idk if its a tear or pull.I have an appointment tommorow,just hoping for the best.My question is should I refuse to give blood do to insurance purposes.Maybe they wont want to take blood hopefully...
  9. B


    anyone know if their test is oil are water based?
  10. B

    Anyone heard of these guys?

    I found these guys reasearching.Kalpa is the name just wondering if anyone has tried them.Thanks for any feed back
  11. B

    Help with come off

    Bro wtf go to the dr. get some blood work done.Big is good but life is better imo.
  12. B

    What age?

    I'm 29 only a few cycles under my belt.My question is at what age do guys consider your ready for hgh.Bare with me i'm reasearching.Not planning on running it just a question bros.
  13. B

    Hi zeek please don't get mad.I lost my source locally so now i've got nothing but the net too...

    Hi zeek please don't get mad.I lost my source locally so now i've got nothing but the net too turn to.I've been looking into sciroxx for a source.Do you have any ferdback on them?
  14. B

    ZEEK When will He become a MOD?

    He has my vote for sure.any time zeek post it's a must read.He is loaded with knowledge and very respectful.A man we could all use in are corner imo.
  15. B

    Hey bro i'm leaning toward sciroxx pharm.have you ever delt with them?

    Hey bro i'm leaning toward sciroxx pharm.have you ever delt with them?