Help with come off

:bash: your just not interested in living a long life are you? you are aware that your liver is a VITAL ORGAN, you have one, cant get another one very easily either! After everything discussed in this thread you then say, " I'll do a test only cycle after 4 week Clomid pct" ??!!! WTF
I have not taken pills in days now. I'm Losing too much. I'll do a test only cycle after 4 week Clomid pct

....... I mean.. what the fuck needs to be said to you for you to listen bro. You should NOT do any cycle in 4 fucking weeks...I'm losing too much he said.. god guys, and people bitch at us for preaching Test with every cycle.. of course you're losing your gains..Your body is barely have a liver left.. Stay the hell away from AAS until you know what you're doing bro. Oh yeah, has anyone every told you TIME ON = TIME OFF. So even if you were thinking about doing another cycle of Test only, you shouldn't even be considering it for another 6 - 7 months.. TIME ON = TIME OFF... I seriously hope you're alright, but you are in no way shape or form ready for anymore AAS.

The medical doctor has my blood test statistics and said that many prophils are down or bad and says a detox is a good plan with more blood tests.

I have no time to go for 6 week detox and more blood. I am on clomid 50mg for next month so we see where that goes.
Things not happening well now that no more pills.

I have been very sick and cant get up and my back really pains

My blood is bad but not all bad and I cannot get any test to bring me up again.

what to do

I have lost 0.75 stone in 3 weeks
I wouldn't rely on test to bring you up again right now. I would do the detox and a good diet and multi -vitamins until you feel better. You can always jump back in later and get your gains going again. Sounds like you are very young and only hear what you wanna hear. If you survive this to do another cycle, Get your advice here.......
So your HDL is in the single digits right? Be careful man! You have to keep everything in perspective. Doesn't matter how big and strong you are if your dead.
Dame bro u need to read and ask questions and learn ! Don't jump the gun thinkin u know everything . Pls take care of ur self and take some time off. God bless
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after i read this it made me think a lot about the reasons people use many different people & reasons why. but honestly i feel like there are two main groups your either in one or the other...and ATHLETE, or an ADDICT. for the latter, it could be aas or anything else under the sun...once your health bottoms out and you start listening, and restoring your health...the next step for you would be to seek mental therapy or join a support group for addicts. best of luck in your recovery bro.
A BOMBS for 6 months! Holy shit bro, I don't know how your alive honestly. Yes your back hurts because your liver and kidneys have taken some serious damage that could be permanent! I rather be skinny and healthy then big and DEAD!
Not sure if I should feel sorry for this guy. I mean how hard is it to do a little research before you take a plunge on something like this. He obviously has access to the internet so there are no excuses for doing something this dumb. And then you have the audacity to propose another cycle right after your post cycle therapy (pct)? You should stay on these forums you will learn a lot. Everyone makes mistakes I'm sure you learned something from this experience.

And you say you felt fine on cycle but your test levels would be shut down after taking Winstrol (winny) and Anadrol for that long. Surely you felt the symptoms of low test?

Keep getting your blood work checked. You are extremely lucky your situation isn't worse but it looks like you will turn out okay. After a few months of meds and multi vitamins you should make a full recovery. Health is #1, a few lbs. of muscle mean nothing when you are in the hospital!