Worst pin?


New member
Just asking what your worst pin ever was?Mine was my last cycle phat and the guys really helped me.But damn that fucker swelled up lol.A few days later I was g2g.
Buried an 18 gauge 1.5 inch in my left sciatic nerve in 90..limped like a new inmate for 4 days...bleed like one too...
If you go high up on the cheek you won't hit the sciatic.

My worst was also the only time I ever let my girl watch she knew I had to pin because it was Thursday and she wanted to watch.... Well I def hit a vein I aspirated while in and no blood came in but I must have gone through the vein. Anyway I squirted blood when I pulled the needle out and she did one of those cute hot chick screeches.
If you go high up on the cheek you won't hit the sciatic.

My worst was also the only time I ever let my girl watch she knew I had to pin because it was Thursday and she wanted to watch.... Well I def hit a vein I aspirated while in and no blood came in but I must have gone through the vein. Anyway I squirted blood when I pulled the needle out and she did one of those cute hot chick screeches.

haha i wish i could have seen her face
mine was 2cc of tren ace plus another .4 or so of test, shot into my right pectoral. dunno exactly what went wrong, it stung some going in but not really much more than normal, maybe a bit of added pressure. first time with tren, prop stung a tiny little bit in pecs for me, so i figured that plus tren was normal.

afterwards the area around where i pinned got very warm to the touch, and hurt incredibly bad if i applied pressure. like deep within the muscle. day later it felt a lot better but direct pressure applied with a bit of force would still bring that same exact pain coming back and the area would feel super hot inside, and still warm to the touch.

that hurt far worse than any other pip i've had from any other inject site.

also, curious about something....

If you go high up on the cheek you won't hit the sciatic.

My worst was also the only time I ever let my girl watch she knew I had to pin because it was Thursday and she wanted to watch.... Well I def hit a vein I aspirated while in and no blood came in but I must have gone through the vein. Anyway I squirted blood when I pulled the needle out and she did one of those cute hot chick screeches.

wouldn't that classify as 'best pin'?
If you go high up on the cheek you won't hit the sciatic.

My worst was also the only time I ever let my girl watch she knew I had to pin because it was Thursday and she wanted to watch.... Well I def hit a vein I aspirated while in and no blood came in but I must have gone through the vein. Anyway I squirted blood when I pulled the needle out and she did one of those cute hot chick screeches.

lol. I imagined that. Funny stuff.
Last week I injected my left delt, pulled out the pin - blood shot out of my shoulder like a geyser - all over my kitchen. It looked like someone got shanked.

Everything was fine, had a bruise the size of a poker chip.
anyone who can do that effectively on a delt injection gets my vote of confidence regardless. but no, i don't put a cotton ball on it. i spray some windex on it and go about my business.
I did after.. This was like under high pressure.. Immidetly after pulling the pin and it blew all over. .. Called my cousin, a nurse, said it happens.
Pushed 3mls of oil, seemed fine until I pulled out and squirted the wall with oil and blood. That fucker leaked for 3minutes, left a bruise for a week and couldn't hit anywhere near that spot for 2 weeks.
Sat down in a chair and used my thumb to jam the pin and plunger into the top of my leg like the scene in pulp fiction. I hurt for 10 days and wore a knee brace to help cover my lies to everyone. That was my first pin ever and only 1 cc of test e. lol
Now. Pinning Sus, get a little lump every time that take 3 - 4 days to go away. I heat it up first, inject super slow, needle is steady, massage it afterwards. It doesn't really hurt but I look kind funny with that extra glute mass... It does go down as I continually massage it but only a little.
mine was 2.5ml of test 400 from stealth labs injected into my right quad(first quad pin, first cycle, big mistake). couldn't walk for like a week, pain and swelling lasted about 10 days. ended up seeing the doc, has a sonogram, had to go to PT

learned a lot from the experience