Recent content by bigmike33

  1. bigmike33

    Is 400mg Test Enanthate enough?

    Your just fine.. Damn spell check.
  2. bigmike33

    Is 400mg Test Enanthate enough?

    Bro I just fine with what you posted. Good luck.
  3. bigmike33

    Training traps

    Seat dumbells heavy after u shot a half of cc of whatever in ur traps first...
  4. bigmike33

    Told the wife, now need some advice.

    I thought not hiding it would be best untill she destroyed everything I had. If shes not cool with it either dont do it or hide it.. Ive lost g's makes me sick to think about it... Best of luck
  5. bigmike33

    I no everyone has had this problem!!!!

    When im in feeling it that my body say chill. So I go lite and it works as long as it not every workout.
  6. bigmike33

    dbol dosage?

    I love a 100mgs in one dose two hours bf workout but I dont run it kong at that dose. And I look sick at that dose and I dont bloat... But I would only tell someone to do 40 at most to be on the safer side...
  7. bigmike33

    Primo! Tren-like results

    Bro that awesome I want some...
  8. bigmike33

    Low Testosterone at 19 from steroids! dont know how to get it back up!

    U make me laugh so I love playing with u bc ur such a tool...
  9. bigmike33

    Test prop what the hell - quad is swollen. first cycle

    Welcome to the world of prop it gets better bro. But u should have never started with the quad..
  10. bigmike33

    Low Testosterone at 19 from steroids! dont know how to get it back up!

    And its called massive hands on a little something u will NEVER understand only big guys do...lmo
  11. bigmike33

    Low Testosterone at 19 from steroids! dont know how to get it back up!

    And who in the hell would take advice from someone that dont know shit.. Oh a litttle kid would..
  12. bigmike33

    Low Testosterone at 19 from steroids! dont know how to get it back up!

    Like I said ur a dumb fuck rat... Or skinny little bitch profile
  13. bigmike33

    Why have my arms gotten smaller??

    How many set r u doing? Stop when they feel good a pumped dont go anymore then that...
  14. bigmike33

    Low Testosterone at 19 from steroids! dont know how to get it back up!

    Nice pic rat and if u know anything why do he have a pair of tits with that lump dick? Read between the lines its not likely he screwed bc of aas. Everyone wants to blame steroids.. And ur probley some little skinny fuck..