Recent content by bigpk

  1. B

    M1T post cycle therapy (pct) recommendation?

    Yeah that should be acceptable the Nolva just helps you recover faster, but at the same time it is less expensive from a research company than all the others you stated
  2. B

    love my new breast!

    oh i know but it gives you a shot bro... worked for me from the tren gyno I got, test didnt do shit...
  3. B

    What do you think...My livers okay?

    it should be ok, you can and should use milk thistle and/or Tyler's liver detox, liv-52
  4. B

    love my new breast!

    B6 and letro, you'll be able to get rid of gyno with this 600mgs of B6 200mgs 3 times during the day... and 1.25mgs letro EOD
  5. B

    After the 2 weeks of Clen

    25mg tabs... i use one tab with 200mgs of caffeine and 2 otc aspirins works great;)
  6. B

    "T Tokyo" Test?

    i used enanthenate and deca recently, i question the deca but the enan was legits
  7. B

    After the 2 weeks of Clen

    Ephedrine HCL... its great stronger than ephedra and its available... thermogenics pull down 7 bucks
  8. B

    making tren

    use a coffee filter you can get another 4-5mL's of final product
  9. B

    Tren-Win cycle.

    I dont think is all that harsh, I actually think this is an OK cycle, 17-aa Winstrol (winny) will hit the Liver and tren hits kidneys tons of water and juts hit up milk thistle and cranberry vits... I have done this and it was a productive cycle, got quality gains from both substances...
  10. B

    Lifespan of Gyno

    I have puffy nips no lumps I was a pudgy bastard until recently like last 3 years... So i hear ya'll...
  11. B

    Lion Nutrition

    Tamoxifen - Generic name for Nolva
  12. B

    Dball pills, fake or real? please help

    They are up and running again, or at least someone is making it I had some of the Test E and Deca seemed good to go, but I am really disputing the deca and its potency
  13. B

    favorite protein bar flavs?

    TRI-O-PLEX Bars are really great, sooooo good tasting until I found out that they screwed all the Nutritional Info up... Bastards
  14. B

    Jackpot! What to do?

    Quite a delimna, I would give it to him say that it was delivered to my house and I didnt even look at the address, then hook up with him in futrue for gear purchases...
  15. B

    Qv Tren ?

    honestly you would have to be a complete moron to fuck it up. It is really easy... and the cost is a huge difference... going from 500 for premade to 80 homebrew...