Recent content by bowdup

  1. B

    the best AAS book,

    yeah man, i bought books at first, but all the info in the profile section is all u need. i have learned more from the question/answer forum. so save your $$ for gear and read this forum. bowdup
  2. B

    Whats the lowest %BF you,ve had?

    got pinched also at 4.7 180lbs 6'3" about 3 yrs ago. not sure how accurrate calipers are though, now im guessin im around 10 or 12 @ 227lbs
  3. B

    M1t or dont know which one, 9.99 per bottle, and it worked for me
  4. B

    m1t or dbol

    ive tried both, dbol @ 35mg day. M1T @ 20 mg day. assuming my dbol was real, better gains off of m1t. but my nips got sore
  5. B

    m1t or dbol

    well, i really didn't get that much off of D-bol, but its proven to work. I am currently on a M1T cycle 3rd week and its workin pretty good. great pumps and 14lbs gained. so im impressed with M1T. who knows. just dont take both, my friend did and it fucked him up.
  6. B

    nolva: drink or shoot?

    i just got some also from there, definatly take it orally.
  7. B

    Garden hose viens

    yeah, i feel ya. my training partner is like that too. i get freaky veins only when im extremely lean. i guess his genetics allow him to be more vascular at a higher BF.
  8. B

    the stack: sustanon+deca

    M1T is workin for me, and a couple guys at the gym
  9. B

    the stack: sustanon+deca

    yo dude, im on a cycle now of M1T, sus, deca. 10 weeks total. M1t @ 20mg day, sus @ 500 week and deca @ 600 Week. gained 16lbs so far, just started my 3rd week
  10. B

    what do you guys do for a living?

    work in a factory, tranmission factory. very phisical work, but it pays for my fun. $18/hr
  11. B

    Dbol m1t

    my friend is a dumb ass, he did this and got JAUNDICE=yellowish pigmentation of the skin, tissues, and body fluids caused by the deposition of bile pigments. DONT DO IT
  12. B

    Clen problem

    nah, just take 2 for a few days and bump up if u need to, to feel it. u should get the shakes. i did at 80mcgs
  13. B

    Clen problem

    ephedra, caffine and asprine, on off weeks. yeah i start with 6 a day, but if you have never taken it start with 2 to see how u react. then bump it up.
  14. B

    Clen problem

    2 weeks on 2 weeks off, ECA in the off period. look at the profile for more info. i usually take 120mcgs a day for 2 weeks
  15. B

    WU, got a ?

    well, the guy i emailed u was just a curious thought, never used him, ill email u the guy i use, and have been for about a year