Recent content by btrutau

  1. B

    need help with diet..

  2. B

    need help with diet..

    bump bump anybody else?
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    need help with diet..

    ok here goes... I'm 5 11, 190 lbs, 14% bf I'm trying to get to around 200 and keep bf the same. do to my job and physical activity i need carbs high. its hard for me to eat in the morning so i do my best. meal 1- 3 eggs, 2 pieces toast, 6 oz greek yogurt meal 2- shake ( 1 cup of oj, 1/2...
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    test c

    what do u mean nothing to worry about? throw that shit out
  5. B

    Kigtropin test results

    imo kigs suck ass had the same batch#... 5ius 2 hrs before blood drawn non fasted. Serum levels was 2.1. funkin blah
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    my test-e is 250mg/1ml...but vial has roughly 1.25ml..higher dose?

    Ok then I'd have to say your vials were over dosed IMO. id go with 1ml call it 250 and if not just bang the whole 1.25 it really just a bit more. But the again that doesnt mean there just supposd to be accually 1ml in the vial if you know what I'm tryin to say? Good luck
  7. B

    Ruined sex drive/libido. Please help

    i would add some vit D and zinc also..might raise your test levels abit
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    my test-e is 250mg/1ml...but vial has roughly 1.25ml..higher dose?

    i see, well imo id just take the whole vile to make thing simple i woulnt worry about the extra, sorry idk then.. so your thinking there acually around 300mgs of test in a vile or 250mgs with extra oil?
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    my test-e is 250mg/1ml...but vial has roughly 1.25ml..higher dose?

    well what do wanna know if it fake? id do abit of a search and check things out, woulnt be the first time machines fuck up. let me know thow
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    primo cycle without PCT

    well tbo id like to see what your diet is like? i have seen some good balkan gear>
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    ghrp6 vs sermorelin

    hey guys im have trouble trying to tell the diffrence between the two. they both said to provide stimulation of the pituitary gland to increase productions of growth hormone and an increase in the production of Insulin-Like Growth Factor. i dont get it am i wronge here? what the hell is the...
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    rc nolva question

    ok thanks for the reply
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    rc nolva question

    i have some rc nolva and when it arrived it already was out of the solution. is the stuff gone to shit? i read that i can shake it and ill be good?
  14. B

    Real Or Fake BD Prop?

    i have never seen yellow top promp and also read they fakes