Ruined sex drive/libido. Please help


New member
I haven't done a cycle in almost 2 years. I was stupid in my teens with using steroids not always doing pct. I still have love test levels and absolutely no sex drive. I can get it up but doednt stay up for to long and do the job but don't care if it doesn't happen. It's driving me crazy and ruining my life. My semon levels were ok. Im 25 and plan on having kids over the next few years so taking some Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) isnt an option. Saying that the doctor told me to just eat well and take vitamin a b c d and stay active. Nothing has worked. He also told me to stay away from and supplement that mess with my hormone levels. Am I out of options I'm ruined and don't know what to do!!!!!:mad:
Hcg? My natty levels crashed from a poor post cycle therapy (pct) last year....doc put me on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to raise natty levels and get sperm count up. So far so good. Once the wife is preggo ill be on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) ( test 250mg/wk )
The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) regimine really helped my libido too

Free test(direct)10.2pg/ml
Testosterone serum 254ng/dl
Lh 3.9
Tsh 1.730

yea test levels are def on the low side, i would try clomid at 25-50mg/day for 4 weeks. In the meantime get yourself some cialis. I promise as long as you can get it up..... the cialis will make sure that you don't lose it, well thats just been my experience, and i don't ussually go over 10mg.
Will the clomid mess with trying to get my wife pregnant? Also do I really have a chance of it coming back? It's been this long I feel there is no hope.
Pm me your favorite research Chem sites. I have a few I like just want to
Compare. I'll put in an order for this stuff.
Will the clomid mess with trying to get my wife pregnant? Also do I really have a chance of it coming back? It's been this long I feel there is no hope.

Clomid will help get your wife pregnant... so will Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) both help generate a shitload more sperm.

At this point it would not hurt to try clomid for awhile see what happens.
Cialis could help but the problem is you not wanting sex, so if you do not want it, it will work just as well your junk works now...which is probably hit and miss
try iPT-141 it is a chemical aphrodisiac, haven't tried it yet myself, but unlike cialis that just mindlessly pushes blood in your penis this actually makes you helplessly horny as it works on your brain and makes you NEED sex. just makes sure to reconstitute it in bacteriostatic water and you'll be all set apparently. Once you get into swing of actually being successful at sex you will feel on the road to recovery it'll be a confidence booster no doubt.

all these things can be obtained at rui i ordered all my post cycle therapy (pct) stuff, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) stuff, Cialis and haven't been dissapointed so I doubt their iPT-141 is bunk.

Good luck friend!
Im going to run 50mg of clomid for 30 days and see what it does. I will follow up By fetting bloodwork done.
Are there any Current promo codes for rui?
So the clomid would play a good roll in returning your levels.. maybe a Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast before hand too..

and alot of guys get their girls prego while on hrt.. fyi
also what was your estro at?? even at 254 you shouldn't be havning too bad of a problem.. not like what your describing at least

i would check estro and DHT