Recent content by buffalojoe

  1. B

    cant gain weight can someone give me some advice

    Eat more. Get your t levels checked. More eggs for breakfast and replace tuna with ground beef.
  2. B

    Planing a second cycle for winter 2014

    Dude, eat more. Beef, whole eggs, bread, pasta, rice, cheese, butter, milk, weight gainer shakes, just eat more and keep lifting.
  3. B

    Brown rice, sweet potato, and alternatives...

    I like quinoa, cooks easily in a rice cooker. Salt, balsamic vinegar, italian herbs, garlic powder etc... make it even better. Carbs, protein, fiber and fat in it too instead of just carbs and fiber.
  4. B

    Which brand of Whey Protein?

    Whey is a byproduct of making cheese, the protein in cheese is casein, the company that owns ON is a huuuuuuge cheese making company. I dont know if that makes it a scam though...
  5. B

    Girlfriend and her ultimatum she gave me! Flushed my gear!!! (Long)

    Just get another one, theyre all over the place.
  6. B

    trying to put on some lean muscle mass! test/deca or test/e-q

    a good friend of mine was like you, struggling to gain weight, thinking and even saying 'i eat so much bla bla bla poor me i cant gain any weight' then we started force feeding him and he gained 50 pounds in like 4 months. it turns out he wasnt eating as much as he thought he was. eat more...
  7. B

    Need workout to get BIG!

    Bench Press, Dips, Military Press, Deadlift, Pull Up, Barbell Row, Squat, Leg press and a lot of food for a looooong time. Consistently working out is really more important than anything though. I'm sure I'll get flamed for this but here I go: diet is important, which exercises you do, how...
  8. B

    5'7 lifters... wheres my short brothas

    5'7'', 225#'s, chubby though, probably around 20%, maybe a little over. Gonna save first cycle for when I'm at 10%, would like to see my abs at 225-235#'s, not sure being much bigger would be fun for a non competitor.
  9. B

    Is Leg Press needed IYO?

  10. B

    Who do you thing will win the mr. Olympia 2013

    I was hoping for Jay or Dennis. I can't really tell them all apart very much, they're all fucking incredible monsters.
  11. B

    Blood Test Results.................

    Doctor's are like mechanics, some of them are good some of them are not so good. He probably graduated with C's, go find the doc who graduated with A's.
  12. B

    Favorite Bodybuilder???????

    Arnold, Jay, Ronnie, Dorian, Dennis Wolf
  13. B

    Second cycle suggestions

    Dont mean to hijack the tgread, but Im curious.
  14. B

    Second cycle suggestions

    Why are you guys hating on powders so much?
  15. B

    New cycle, they are on to me haha

    Im not on juice, never have bern, and I get asked about it once in a while despite that I dont even have visible abs. I just say that I eat properly and Ive been lifting hard for over a year, but thanks for asking. People are generally stupid and will believe whatever they want to believe.