Recent content by Deepsouth

  1. D

    Do I need Finasteride?

    do you have a hair loss problem now?
  2. D

    First Cycle Ever! Your input is invaluable...

    I would keep the A-dex on hand, but I'm not a fan of taking any Anti-E's unless need- and as stated before, no D-bol for the first cycle
  3. D

    HCG necessary for keeping gains?

    HCG helps the boys kick back in and start producing again- although I have NOT taken it many times- it does make sense to add it to your PCT
  4. D

    help on passing test in 3 weeks!

    that will be iffy- you haven't taken much to begin with and the amounts of long ester Test in the blend aren't that much, but it would be hard to say
  5. D

    Gear with too high levels of BA - repair?

    blending with oil will work or just add another compound to your cycle and blend with that- if you just add oil to the bottle- you will lower the mg/ml- so do you calculations
  6. D

    test with some stan

    the cycle really doesn't look bad at all- couple of questions for you: 1- where all are you injecting? you will need a 1.5" for glutes and you can run a 25ga 1" in quads if you like(I do) 2- why are you using aromasin? if you don't have previous gyno issues, I wouldn't take anything
  7. D

    test propionate

    how about some stats???? If you have been off for 5 yrs and depending on your stats- you may grow just fine @75mg/EOD. If you are looking to bulk- why not run a long ester Test instead of being a pincushion
  8. D

    Laying out a cycle.

    why are you running Aromasin during your cycle? do you have a history having problems with Gyno? Estrogen is a needed evil in the growth game and if you don't have issues with Gyno, there is no need to surpress estrogen to levels that can hamper your growth. Always the correct mindset to have...
  9. D

    What can I do with these???

    well 20mls of Sustanon (sust) is enough for a10wk run and the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) alot of peeps on HRT(TRT) and cycle and use it 500iu's/wk. I've been on HRT for 4 yrs and don't use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at all- figure sinse I'm on this forever- no need to worry...
  10. D

    Gyno reduction protocol~

    OK Guys- I'm tired of seeing the questions so I copied this from my board to help you with you Gyno issues and give you some solid info and advise- Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys I found this a very interesting read and thought it was...
  11. D

    deca durobolin order

    1m,l a week is fine - do a little study on Half lifes of these compounds- Deca is 14-17 days- no need to pin twice a week
  12. D

    a little about me and the sauce with ???

    14wks of Dbol?? do you just hate your liver??? Why not just run Test- less sides- less water retention- safer on the liver!
  13. D

    Letro/Gyno help!!

    Bro- you can take all the Letro you want- like has been said, if its still there, you better see about getting surgery for removal cause your wasting money at this point
  14. D

    new cycle

    why are you running anti E's with this cycle? do you have a history with gyno issues?? If not, there is no need to use it unless you start to have issues
  15. D

    Test Prop Cycle

    Why Prop? Lot of pokes