Recent content by FunnyMonkey

  1. FunnyMonkey

    Blood work please help I am confused

    Has anybody ever heard that tribulus is HPTA suppressive? I dont care to debate if it works or not, but I have never heard it has negative affects on hpta
  2. FunnyMonkey

    DHT and gains

    Interesting I have low test/LH/FSH but hair literally all over my body thin hair on my head and coudl probably shave twice a day. If DHT was causing negative feedback then woudl saw palmetto or proscar help bring my test/LH/FSH levels back up?
  3. FunnyMonkey

    Blood work please help I am confused

    I am good to go on all that as far as depression not really more moody though and fatigue hell yeah but I am a graduating senior or at least for 8 more days and I have been pulling many all nighters trying to get my damn robot rolling. So could be the low test or coudl be my environment
  4. FunnyMonkey

    Blood work please help I am confused

    ok so what amount, frequency, and length shoudl I use hcg for this issue?
  5. FunnyMonkey

    Blood work please help I am confused

    Why woudl clomid or Nolva be effective at this point since my estro is so low? Wouldn't HCG possibly make the situation worse? mranak Ultra Hot is made by ALRI I woudl post alink but I dont know if it is legal or not. It in a nutshell blocks estogen from receptors and block adrogens from...
  6. FunnyMonkey

    Blood work please help I am confused

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well got my blood work back today and boy am I confused. Well way back in Spring of last year I did a tren cycle at 75mg eod. Finished up post cycle therapy (pct) with unleashed, chrysin, zinc. Not smart I know but...
  7. FunnyMonkey

    Magna Cum Loader

    yeah throw down about 200mg of clomid and you'll be blowing like a pro
  8. FunnyMonkey


    I have had the same sensation before using stuff with a cyp ester. The fourth day was the worst but it went away
  9. FunnyMonkey

    Decrease in ejaculation

    oh yes clomid will do the trick
  10. FunnyMonkey

    Good shampoo or supp for hair loss

    nizoral works. try
  11. FunnyMonkey

    Another Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) question???

    So far I have front loaded 2 days with 200mg clomd and 5 days at 100mg clomid. I still have noticed no increase in size does it take a few weeks for clomid to recover your hpta and start producing LH? The reason I ask is because I know your test jumps back up pretty quick so does that imply that...
  12. FunnyMonkey

    OK I gots a Problemo..........

    happened to me alot with tren. HCG definetely helps
  13. FunnyMonkey

    Sex and PCT

    Ohhhhooo no that is not the case at all. They were ok at the end of the cycle since I was using hcg but the 10day gap between the last shot and post cycle therapy (pct) they went down to about 25%
  14. FunnyMonkey

    Vitamin b6

    seems like when I took it with tren my sex drive came back slightly well at least my refractory period was shorter
  15. FunnyMonkey

    Sex and PCT

    ounces no. pounds yes. Delayed recovery? depends on how long